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The crowd stared at us in awe, as we inhaled the cheers and fan chants for the last time, at least for now

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The crowd stared at us in awe, as we inhaled the cheers and fan chants for the last time, at least for now. We had just finished Fate Plus Tour in New Clark City, Philippines. It was a whirlpool of emotions; from enthusiasm to grief and from loveable chants to died down cries. Seeing our beloved Engenes in such a state, was indeed heart breaking. They pleaded us not to go away and to be honest, we did not want it either. It was literally not even the last thing we wished for.

We clasped our hands together as we bowed for the final time. I stood beside Jake and couldn't help but notice his glistening eyes.

He was crying...

Quite reasonable and rather fitting for the current situation. I did not blame him; I couldn't bring myself to do it. His nose had turned red from all that melancholic sobbing as he wiped it for the nth time. He resembled Rudolf, with eyes looking ever so puffy but adding to his immense charm. I was never into boys and hadn't even contemplated about it, at least, not until I had met this beauty.


"The ace is here.", said EJ, his face reflecting nothing but pure awe and amazement. Heeseung entered like her owned the whole building, which he did, all granted to his exceptional skills and visuals. It would be a white lie if the I-LANDERS said that they hadn't crushed on him when they first saw his face. Jay and Sunghoon being his fellow co-trainees proved to be a soft and comfortable spot for him to make himself a bit at home before bearing a hell load of gushing by his now fellow I-LANDERS.

Even Rain and Zico found him charming; a charm so effortless that even the no-makeup makeup look could never outshine. It was his pride, his prestige and basically his asset. "Wow, he's so handsome.", said one. "Is he a model or something?", gushed another. For a short while, nothing but innumerable number of whispers, silently, or rather, a bit too loudly, fanboying over his drop-dead visuals were heard in the main hall.

He sat quietly, putting down his backpack and heaving out a sigh of nervousness. Even though, he was the ace, this was new to him as well which caused his pulse to spike. However, having been acquainted with Sunghoon and Jay, he felt a bit at peace.

For what felt like an eternity, he found himself drawn to a certain guy, sitting right next to a cute, bubbly faced dude, whom not even the sun could compete with. The bubbly faced guy had the brightest smile on his face even in such a situation and exuded nothing but confidence and joy. The guy he was staring at looked uncomfortable and rather timid, acquiring his interest even more. He spoke with little to no confidence and even his Korean sounded freshly learnt. "Is he not from Korea?", thought Heeseung, shamelessly staring at him from head to toe but who could've blamed him, given that, Sim Jaeyun, the guy he was staring at looked like a fucking piece of art even in a plain white shirt with a red, checked button up and black sweatpants.

It seemed like his ADHD's had already started kicking in for he was seen rocking back and forth on his seat. To be honest, in Heeseung opinion he looked nothing less than an Asian Ian Somerhalder, minus the beard of course.

"Blunt looks, chiselled features, razor sharp jawline but the sweetest smile ever, what a combination.", he said to himself, internally chuckling.

Now, the participants were required to perform individually and the remaining one's would be the judge of your fate. After the wheel of talent rather than fortune, the selected participants were now admitted into the I-LAND building with the GROUNDERS parting their ways. As they entered, a feeling of sole excitement and extreme amazement fuelled up the place. Each of the twelve I-LANDERS grabbed their nameplates, sticking them on one chair each.

Heeseung purposely went and sat right next to where Jake was and to his confusion, Jake was seen talking comfortably with Jay, in English. "No wonder his etiquettes don't feel and look Korean.", Heeseung thought to himself. He couldn't help but notice the sexy yet immensely soothing Australian accent Jake used, which led him to assume that he was a guy from Australia.

"So, you're from Brisbane? Nice.", asserted Jay. Heeseung hadn't mastered his English skills yet but still had known it verbally, even if it sounded broken sometimes. "Brisbane? I've heard of it.", he said out of the blue, catching both the other males off guard. Jake just stared at him, the proximity being a bit too close than it should've been. There was a long, silent pause before Jay decided to break it. "I'm from Seattle.", he said.

The eye contact was so pure and comforting that Heeseung almost felt like punching Jay on the face from breaking it.

"If only I hadn't known you since my trainee days, you'd be lying dead on the floor by now, Park Jong-seong.", Heeseung's glare warned without a single damn word. They began exploring and shoving their faces with food like monkeys left to scavenge. "This macaron is so good.", said the bright looking guy from earlier and Heeseung had discovered that he was Kim Sunoo; a literal bumblebee for fuck's sake.

He had finally developed the courage to casually talk to Jake. He approached him with a banana in his hand as he gulped it down eagerly trying to finish it asap. "Hi.", he said, timidly. "Sorry for my abrupt response. I didn't mean to catch you off guard.", he added, looking down. "It's fine...", he paused, shooting a hesitant look to Heeseung.

"Yes, you can call me hyung.", Heeseung chuckled as Jake released the breath he was holding, laughing at the scene.

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