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I woke up to a terrible headache

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I woke up to a terrible headache. "Fuck, I'm never touching alcohol again.", I cursed, my flying hand clasping my forehead as I groaned, yet again. I wasn't completely in my senses yet, due to the ringing chimes banging my head but I was conscious enough to feel a weight, a rather light one, on my chest; MY SHIRTLESS CHEST. 

I looked up to see Jake sleeping comfortably on my torso, as if, it was nothing but his bed. But, why the fuck was he shirtless as well? I supported my head with my hands, enjoying the view which was lying on top of me. His lips were adorned with a cute pout which was almost inviting me to smooch them so bad. I chuckled at the thought, finding him adorable but there was a big problem. 

I wanted to pee...

But, I did not want to ruin his precious sleep. 

Then the dumbest idea struck my already dumb head. I pulled him up by his arms causing him to whimper and wiggle around in his sleep. The whimper sounded personal and familiar; it was like I had heard it for innumerable number of times.

But when? 

And, where?

What in the world had happened yesterday? I did not remember a thing. 

As I pulled him further, in an attempt to slid him down my body, his body glided on my skin like butter making me question the fact that he was a boy; a boy with such fine beauty and grace with silky skin like a baby's butt. Goodness, something in me asked me to kiss him all over his face, as in, to wake him up. You know...

He flinched and opened his eyes when I threw him off of me. I did not intend to, I swear but he kinda just rolled off accidentally. So now, I was forced to face the most embarrassing moment of my life. Jake and I, lying right next to each other, ON THE BED and that too, shirtless. I feared that I had drooled which caused me to rub my mouth, in case anything was actually there. 

We did not move even a bit and stared into each other's soul. I always wanted to embrace this moment forever and unknowingly, we had just recreated it, yet again.


The clock read ten past five and now it was time for mommy Jay to wake up all his eleven kids; with some being actual kids like Danielle, Han-bin, Ta-Ki and Ni-Ki and some being grown ass adults, but only physically.

"Y'all, get up.", Jay clapped his hands, entering the green room. "Hyung, five more minutes.", snoozed Ta-Ki, before dozing off yet again. "Ni-Ki, get up. It's too late.", scolded Jay. No wonder he seemed like the mom of the whole fucking building, including Bang Si-Hyuk himself. "Hyung, even the sun is still sleeping. Let me sleep some more too.", the junior complained, annoyed by Jay's motherly affection. "Get up in five or I'm gonna whip that ass of yours.", the elder warned, making his way out. 

Danger awaited, alarming Han-bin, Ni-Ki and Ta-Ki who were sharing a room as they frantically got up in a matter of seconds. Angry Jay was the scariest Jay and they had all experienced it in one way or the other. Everyone was up apart from the purple room guys aka, the three highest ranked I-LANDERS which included Heeseung, Jungwon and Sunghoon. "Jake help me get those sleepy heads, will ya?", Jay pleaded, approaching Jake with puppy eyes. 

"Of course, hyung. Let's go.", he yawned, walking lazily to the room. 

"Sunghoon, Jungwon! Get your sleepy asses up.", Jay yelled, as the targets flinched badly. Their precious beauty sleep had just been ruined by an annoying mommy. 

"Heeseung hyung, please wake up.", Jake whispered in the sleeping elder's ear who just wiggled in response. Jake giggled at his cuteness and literally began adoring the cute little pout he had on his sleeping yet handsome face. He just felt like squishing his cheeks but restrained himself from doing it. "Hyungie, wake up.", he repeated only to get pulled on the bed by none other than Heeseung, who hugged the life out of him.

It definitely caught him off guard and his face was now centimetres away from his hyung's. "H-hyung...", he stuttered. The elder opened his eyes slowly and they shared a brief yet loveable eye contact. It felt like the world had stopped for them, which it indeed did until Jay spoke, "Plan to burn each other with your gazes, idiots?" The 'so in love' males looked at him in a rather synchronised manner; quite weird for two people who had just met a few weeks ago but the telepathy they shared was unbeatable. 

Jake coughed in an attempt to signal Heeseung to leave his waist which he did, although unwillingly. 

"W-We'll be outside in the living room.", Jake stammered, his cheeks now reflecting a bright tint of red as he pulled Jay out of the room, leaving a flushed Heeseung and still half asleep Jungwon and Sunghoon who were unbothered about the married shit happening just next bed. 


"Hyung, my waist.", said a sleepy Jake. Present day Heeseung was finally brought out of his fantasy world, where he and Jake lived happily ever after and even had thirteen kids together. Heeseung retrieved his hand with that of the speed of light and sat upright on the bed. The pee thought had left his mind and somehow, his bladder was supporting him with all its might. 

"D-Did I do something, last night?", enquired the nervous taller. "No.", said Jake, blankly after a couple of heartbeats passed away. "No?", asked Heeseung, unsure of the reaction he received from the shorter for it did not feel Jake like at all. Usually in the morning, he would go all about the weird dreams he had, in which mostly Heeseung played the dog he kicked or the vampire in his fairy tale but today was something odd. 

After the enquiry, Jake fell silent and uttered no word before getting up and walking towards the bathroom. Heeseung tried recalling everything that happened and to his relief, he did but it turned to resentment in a short timespan of five seconds. 

"Fuck! I'm such an asshole.", he cursed at himself, pulling his hair. 



You're indeed one, Hee.

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