Hee's Hot

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Our concert was a success and it ended on a good note, excluding the part where we all cried

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Our concert was a success and it ended on a good note, excluding the part where we all cried. My eyes filled up and I just couldn't control my tears; it felt suffocating and I felt tremendously miserable. Heeseung hyung must've sensed my overflowing emotion because I felt him patting my head with immense care.

Slowly. Softly. Gently.

It was strangely calming as if working like a goddamn soothing pill. I hated how I always gave in so easily around him. My eyes closed on their own as I sniffed for the last time before smiling and biding farewell to my dear Engenes. It was destined and we had no say.

We got back to the staff room; huffing, panting and sweating like mad dogs, who were high on cocaine. "It was great. I'm sure they liked it.", Sunghoon heaved a long, tired sigh. "Tedious but my most favourite job ever. Ow- My legs hurt from all that jumping.", complained Jay, groaning. Our staff wiped our foreheads, provided us with water and turned on the ACs until they blasted with cool air. "Good work, y'all.", praised Jungwon, with the staff clapping shortly afterwards. It was truly rewarding that we got to see our precious fans, while having so much fun and then getting praised for our hard work, all at the same time.

It really hadn't been easy for all of us. We had worked our asses off during dance practices, rehearsals, vocal practices, run throughs etcetera. But no one worked more than our staff, the most supporting team one could ever ask for which led me to hug each and every one of them individually. My eyes were swollen and my nose was red and I tried to hide it as best as I could but I knew that nothing went unnoticed under the burning hot gaze of Lee Heeseung, a guy, more charming than the moon but with little to no understanding of love.

Especially, my love.


"Heeseung, would you like to lead Fire?", asked K, from his closest acquaintance. "Are you sure hyung? You can do it if you want.", he replied, a hint of hesitance visible in his voice. Into The I-Land performance wasn't a big of a success, all because they had decided to replace Heeseung who led them at the very last moment. But, now they knew, if they wanted to sustain as the 'higher ups', they gotta listen to the experienced ace. "Yes, I'm sure. Please do it, Hee.", stated K, patting his dongsaeng on his back, who confidently nodded.

Everyone clapped with joy, the immense nervousness and fear finally seeping away. Jake felt his cheeks burn when Heeseung abruptly looked at him and shot a playful smile. He wasn't used to this feeling but whatever it was, it felt fucking good.

The practice started with Heeseung and K memorising the choreography of Fire like the champs they were. They helped everyone to learn and it was rather a quick session, much to everyone's delight. Heeseung however, was determined to refine Jake's rather, unflattering performance.


Night rolls by and it had been about five hours since they were practicing. According to him, Jake lacked power and energy which was the key element for the success of this performance. "Hyung, I'm tired.", Jake panted, sitting on the floor. "Jake, we need to practice. Just one last time, yeah?", Heeseung sat beside him, fetching two bottles of water and behaving considerate as hell.

They chucked the water like a goldfish and although unwillingly, Jake resumed practice. However, he felt extremely distracted but didn't know the culprit.

Or so he thought...

All this while, he had been subconsciously staring at Heeseung toned abs and defined waist. Due to the trickling sweat waterfall, he had rolled up his shirt into what you may call an almost crop top which arranged for the best view ever, all available in a 360 degree angle. A sudden urge to hold it, filled his guts but he'd be loosing his shit if his guts allowed him to do it in the second place. (This bish-)

"Jake!", Heeseung called out, as Jake was finally brought out of his Heeseung's Waist Coma. "Where are you lost? It's my fourth time calling you.", he added, a bit annoyed if I say so myself. But the annoyance wasn't originated from the fact that he wanted Jake to be the spotlight of the performance due to which he was working like a goddamn ox and Jake was getting distracted like a kid but much rather, because he wanted to finish it as soon as possible, knowing the fact that Jake was tired and he wasn't helping with it, even in a minute quantity.

"Uh- sorry hyung.", Jake looked down in embarrassment, thinking that he has been caught. "You should know that I'm doing this for you, Jake, solely for your betterment. It literally has nothing to do with me.", Heeseung's tone sounded sharp and a pang was felt in Jake's heart. Even he did not know why Heeseung's spiky words penetrated him so deeply.

He started feeling useless and found him guilty for wasting Heeseung's precious time and energy. "I'm...sorry, hyung.", a reasonable tear slid down his right cheek, as he looked at Heeseung with paining eyes causing the elder to panic.

"Hey, hey hey...", he paused, hugging the shorter. "I did not intend to make you cry, Jake. Don't take my words as a scolding, please. They'll do good to you, trust me.", he soothed. "I'm r-really bad, ain't I?", asked the demoralised younger, in a tone so miserable, it could make you weep your eyes out.

"No! Absolutely not!", protested Heeseung, understanding the emotions of the former. "I wanna help you Jake, solely you.", he added, whispering in his ear.

"But, why me? Just me.", God knows what led Jake to ask such a question and that too, with the most seductive eyes ever. "I really don't know.", Heeseung's breathed over the shorter's lips, the air feeling dense and sparked around them.

Have mercy, Lord.


The story ain't going fast. It's just that, I've got a lot of romance in stock for y'all. 😉

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