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(Wasn't the last chapter fun, y'all?)😉

Well, here's a sweet twist😇

I woke up to a stinging pain in my lower abdomen and boy, did it hurt

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I woke up to a stinging pain in my lower abdomen and boy, did it hurt. I felt like ripping the non-existent t-shirt I was wearing because of how hot I felt. I jolted upto sudden movement beside me, another boost of pain going up till my stomach. "Hm...", the person beside me hummed as I stared in awe. 

Then realisation struck me...I WAS NAKED and SO WAS HE. 

I recalled the events from last night, not believing that finally, the man beside me was mine. I cupped his face with my hands, forming an 'O' by squishing his cheeks. Oh, how I loved him. But wait...

Why was 'I' the one having the soreness? 





I sat there in shock, my face and hands sweaty. "Yes, you were my bottom last night.", said Jake, the person sleeping beside me, a chuckle not failing to surpass his mouth. 


Lee Heeseung...

Had played a bottom last night.


"S-Seriously?", I interrogated, my body quivering from the pain and disbelief. "Mhmm.", he responded as I grabbed a lock full of my hair in frustration. I had been a top my whole life and now, I did this? No, for fuck's sake. Jake crawled into my lap with his feet encircling my waist like a koala as he poked my sunken cheeks with his fingers before saying, "You enjoyed a lot last night, hyung.", and broke into a fit of laughter, subsequently falling off of my lap. I groaned in agony, my mind and body failing to understand the matter properly. 

How could I do it? 

Even in the sexiest of my imaginations where me and him were having the wildest of the rides, I was the one topping with him being the bottom so how the fuck had I ended up like this when it had actually happened in reality? I failed to comprehend. 

"For fuck's sake, I'm never touching alcohol ever again-", I paused mid sentence, finding Jake staring at me with a smile on his lips and his face rested on his hands. "What?", I asked, not in the mood for any romance. "Can I say something?", he asked, his eyes glittering with mischief. He again redeemed his spot on my lap before whispering in my ear, 

"I loved the way you reacted when I fucked that tight, pink hole of yours. I loved the way you moaned my fucking name every time I thrusted inside you. And, I absolutely loved the way you held and then came for me, like a good boy."

My body felt numb and my face heated up with every word he spoke. Hell, I could not believe it. "And to be honest, you were rather a better bottom than me, all given to your desperation for proximity and coming skills.", Jake laughed at my flushed face. God, why couldn't Earth just tear open and swallow me as a whole? I would be more then willing to do it, I swear. "S-Shut up.", I protested, my face reflecting red hue. "Aw, why are you shy? You weren't shy to scream my name with that lewd mouth of yours?", he caressed my bottom lip, while biting his own. 

He was fucking hot and I had no doubt about it but his ability to have cajoled me to be the bottom definitely did surprise me. Or...

Had I given him the privilege myself?

No, no, no. That can't be it, right?


"The way you asked me to fuck you moments after you had asked me to ride you was amazing.", he said and I could not help but blush even more at the statement. I needed condolences, prayers, well wishes, holy water and a lot more to cleanse myself but for now, Jake's neck felt like a safe spot and I quickly held onto it. He chuckled at my actions causing my blush to intensify. "Stop please...", I repeated. 

"Okay okay, my babe.", he laughed and the words lingered in my ears. "Babe?", I asked, my eyes sparkling. "Of course. Aren't we supposed to call each other that now?", he asked, a cloud of confusion separating our faces. "Why?", my hanging tease sounded obvious but I loved the way he reacted to it. His eyes narrowed and he scrunched up his slender nose before saying, "'Cause we are boyfriends now? We had our first confession, first kiss and first se-", my hand clasped his mouth, forbidding him to bark further. 

This asshole...

It was a memorable night for us, but especially me for I wanted to erase that part at all costs. We both broke into a chuckle, reminiscing the past. 

Someone knocked at our door as we panicked. We had been so caught up in the sly teasings that we forgot that we were completely naked. We gave each other a look before I asked, "W-Who's there?" 

"Hyung.", it was Jungwon. Fuck!

"Lemme come in.", he added, yet again banging at the door. Jake got off of bed before booking it towards the bathroom. I suppressed a laughter seeing him cover his 'friend' with a cushion and his booty shaking as he ran for his dear life. I, on the other hand, remained in my spot and wrapped myself with a blanket before approaching the door. "Hyung I-", Jungwon paused, giving me a weirded out look. 

"Why...are you wrapped in that thing?", he asked, checking me from head to toe. "O-Oh, I..I'm feeling cold. Yeah, cold.", I mentally slapped myself for stuttering at such a crucial point. "O...kay?", the latter sounded skeptical and I don't blame him. I mean, I literally had nothing on and was standing in front of him in just a blanket. "Why had you come?", I questioned, trying to cut the awkward conversation short.

"Nothing. Jay hyung was calling you and Jake hyung for breakfast.", he said, his eyes wavering around the room to find the traces of any suspicious activity. "Coming.", I said, almost shoving him out of the room. "Hyung...", he said again and my patience was reaching it's height. 

"Yeah?", I asked, calming myself down. "Why are those boxers on the floor? I suppose they are yours 'cause Jake hyung does not wear that brand." First of all, how did he know which brand Jake wore. 

Only I should be the one knowing, given that, I had taken them off yesterday, isn't it? 

His suspicion was increasing and I had to do something about it, even if it was to defame myself. "Oh, these old things...", I paused. "I-I had gotten wet- no, I mean, t-they had gotten wet so I took them off.", my breathing became more desperate with my body wanting him out of that room, that fucking instant. 

"You peed them?", he asked, his eyes growing into the size of oranges. "NO- of course not.", just at moments like this my mouth never failed to betray me and I couldn't conjure anything else to say. 

So for the whole day, I became a laughing stock for all the members. 



My stomach hurts from all that laughing, help😭

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