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(It took me a goddamn minute to recover from my hyena-like laughing and start writing

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(It took me a goddamn minute to recover from my hyena-like laughing and start writing.)

"Ah, shit. This thing's heavy.", groaned Ni-Ki as he kept the Barbeque grill outside along with Sunoo, who just threw it on the ground, panting hard before keeping his hands on his waist. "Yah, you dumbhead, why the fuck did you throw it?", the taller cursed, earning a glare from a nearby Jay who was busy setting up the dinner table. "Language. Young man.", the elder shot the deadliest glare. "Okay, mommy.", Ni-Ki wriggled his hips with a mocking smile and the maknaes present there, broke into a maniacal fit of laughter. Jay just sighed in defeat; which was rather unlikely for a guy who's has never backed off from any drama or quarrel happening. 

He had only one motive today which was was to propose to Jungwon, get accepted and then drink in victory or, to propose to Jungwon, getting rejected and then drink due to the typical- Shame. Resentment. And. Anger.

It sure made him lose his shits but Sunghoon and Jake were there to console him, either way. "You bullshits? Not even gonna encourage me, for fuck's sake?", he cursed at Jake and Sunghoon only to hear a yell from behind. "Language. Old man.", said the youngest with him and Sunoo again laughing hysterically, joined by the 'supposed' best friends. "You goldfish of a boy, shut up!", Jay snapped, his heart pounding in his chest. 

"It's gonna be fine, hyung. Don't worry.", although Sunghoon was still laughing, he tried his best to console the elder. 

"He's here! Fuck- I can't, both of you.", the blonde haired guy began panicking, his heart rate reaching the speed of a rocket launch, at the sight of his love making his way out of the house holding the huge pot of curry that Jay had prepared, with immense efforts. A smile adorned the elders lips at the view of a laughing Jungwon, who was busy fooling around with the maknaes. "You're fucking in love, old man.", joked Jake with Sunghoon falling down to ground, laughing, followed by Jake. 

Jake was unaware of the heart eyes that had been staring at his beautiful face since the beginning, with the owner falling for him even more. 

"Y'all, come sit.", announced Jay but was he even Ni-Ki if he heard his mom in one go? Nah-

"Don't you understand, you braindead idiot?", yelled an annoyed Jay with everyone laughing at the insult. Ni-Ki, much like the baby he was around his hyung, was busy playing throw ball, all by himself. The younger glared at the elder, almost warning him to crease up his words and shove it deep inside his asshole. Jay approached the taller, before grabbing him by his left ear and pulling him back to the table where everyone sat. 

It was rather a funny view, with everyone delighted due to the mockery that had just been displayed. Jake clapped his hand in satisfaction, with his mouth sore from all that laughing. Heeseung had been busy grilling the Gogi(meat), but his eyes did not fail to catch a glimpse of his beloved junior, once every while. 

"Ah, my old man sure has strength.", taunted Ni-Ki, his eyebrows dancing to an inaudible beat. Jay let out a 'whack' before grabbing the tongs and aiming it for Ni-Ki's head. "Stop or I'll complain to Jungwon hyung. I know, you won't argue with him.", blackmailed the younger, leaving both Jay and Jungwon flushed. Unwillingly, the elder retrieved his hand and gave a quick look to a blushing Jungwon. 

An hour passed, with them cheering and doing all sorts of stupidity while eating the prepared food. Right now, Sunoo was dancing to 'I'm Not Cool' by HyunA, a jam that fit his attitude, a bit too well. Sunghoon was undoubtedly, his biggest supporter with him holding two pairs of tongs in hands to replace the absence of a light stick and a banner. "Go, my bae~", he cheered but jolted into action when Sunoo turned around to jokingly twerk at the members. 

"Yah!", he screamed, blocking Sunoo's well defined, plump ass. "It's something only I can see shaking, you assholes. Close your eyes, right now!", he demanded and another laughter broke out with Ni-Ki falling off of his chair. Sunoo mocked Sunghoon with an unknown but seductive expression, which caused the elder to poke his inner cheek, smirking. 

"Okay, I see where this is going.", he said in a raspy voice. "Meet you in the room, honey.", he added, going back to his seat, leaving everyone thunder-struck. "Okay, please. Do whatever you wanna do but my room is next door and as you know...", Ni-Ki paused, judging the pronounced couple with his eyes from head to toe, "I'm still a minor.", he added with a blank face. "And, I freaking don't wish to hear any of Sunoo hyung's screams, welps, cries or moans when he- Mmm...", a flying hand came and clasped his mouth. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, MORON.", cursed the owner of the hand, aka, Sunoo. 

Sunghoon was just seen smirking, his victor prominently visible. "Ni-Ki~yah, has it always been this loud? To be honest, I'm kinda proud.", the smirk intensified, followed by a mocking chuckle. Sunoo evolved into a tomato, as he rushed to hide his face in Sunghoon's neck. The others awed at the sight. 

They drank and shared a few of I-LAND'S secrets and it was all and all, a really fun night until, the atmosphere turned serious. "Jungwon~ah.", Jay was sure tipsy but not yet drunk to lose his senses. The pronounced male looked into his direction, with his face stuffed with pork bulgogi. "I-I wanna say something...", he paused. Jake and Sunghoon began cheering for his mate who just glared at them to shut it. "Um, I know this may sound weird, given that, we've been bandmates for over three years now but...', he halted once again. The others anticipated what was about to come with Jungwon's heart beat spiking. 

"I really like you. No- I'm way past the liking stage. It's love, yeah. Love.", he blabbered and for someone 'sober', it won't make much of sense but Jungwon just blushed intensely. For a hot minute, nothing was heard from anyone, causing Jay to internally panic. Had he just fucking messed up? 

"At least say the darned three words properly, hyung.", said a rather, shy looking Jungwon. "I love you.", Jay said, unconsciously, finding himself sink into Jungwon's deep blush who just got up from his seat and ran to hug the elder. "Love you too, hyung!", he said it in one go, stuffing his face in Jay's neck. 

The audience and the staff clapped their hands with some amused and some extremely happy. Jake secretly took off the ring he was wearing before handing it to Jay, signalling him to make Jungwon wear it. The elder knelt to the ground and asked, "Can I?", receiving a frantic nod from his now boyfriend. He made him wear the ring with the people around them giggling and cheering. "Now seal it with a kiss, c'mon?", prompted Jake, enthusiastically. "Yah, it's too early-", Jay's words were cut off by a pair of lips on his own. 

Jungwon had kissed him. 


He just stood there; his body overcompensating with the given situation and his mind malfunctioning as he felt the warmth melt away. "No, it's not. I'm fucking twenty, hyung.", chuckled the younger, seeing a madly blushing Jay. The taller just smile-smirked, his eyes roaming everywhere but at Jungwon. "Ay, new couple!", Ni-Ki clapped. "As if it wasn't obvious.", he added, rolling his eyes, only to receive an actual whack on his head this time. "Now that he's my...", Jay looked at Jungwon for his permission, which was of course granted, "Boyfriend.", he paused, letting out a satisfied chuckle, "Now what will you do, dumb shit head?", his voice sounded hoarse and a lot raspier. 

"He'll still be on my side, old man.", Ni-Ki pouted, caressing his head which had received the whack. "Right hyung?", he asked with puppy eyes. Jungwon left Jay's side before going to Ni-Ki's and side hugging him while nodding with a cute pout. "I can't help it but he's my dongsaeng, hyungie.", Jungwon laughed, making Jay sigh in defeat. "I fucking quit.", he said as another uproar was heard. "Tips from me. Never let your boyfriend talk to another male.", boasted Sunghoon, pulling Sunoo to his lap, protectively, before planting a kiss on his neck. 

"You can never, oldie.", Ni-Ki joked, showing his tongue to Jay. 

"Ah, it's too much love for me to take...", pouted Jake, pausing mid way. "Why am I still single?", he fake cried, burying his head in Heeseung's lap who just laughed while consoling him. 

"Not for long, baby.", the elder internally thought before smiling at his cute junior. 


I believe that this is the best chapter I've written so far. 

I'm proud, af😭

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