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(Not Jay and Sunghoon laughing as their best friend died a silent, still and unknown death)

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(Not Jay and Sunghoon laughing as their best friend died a silent, still and unknown death)

I knew I was screwed, partial terror and fright filled my intestines as I climbed the flight of stairs, leading me to my and Heeseung hyung's shared bedroom. My steps wobbled and I closed my eyes shut before creaking the door open, slowly and rather shakily. 

The lights were dim, with no soul in the room. It was weird because hyung had clearly retrieved to our room but the room was eerily quiet, almost sending shivers running down my back. I assumed that he must've gone to use the bathroom and I was positive. 

He was actually in the bathroom. 

I quietly sat on the edge of the bed, my life flashing before my eyes. I.HAD.FUCKED.UP. and God knows, what had possessed me to boast so confidently in front of the man who makes my knees feel like jelly. Not gonna lie, I was scared for my life as fuck but teaching him a lesson was the only thing I wished for and I guess, I did?


The bathroom door flung open and Heeseung hyung made his way out but something made my cheeks burn. 


It wasn't a new sight for me, given that, we were roommates but every time I saw those well toned buns of his, my eyes sparkled, my mouth drooled and I lost consciousness. I knew for a fact that he was well aware of it and maybe it was purposely directed towards me this time. He had a navy blue towel wrapped around his serrated waist which just always seemed so perfect to hold, to hug and to...kiss. I just felt like burying my head in my hands because I was aware that my face was now flushed with red and my eyes almost threatened to fall out of my sockets. You don't understand, it was fucking embarrassing. 

"Wipe the drool. It'll stain the sheets.", I heard a voice say which belonged to none other than a smirking Heeseung hyung. I was astonished; my survival instincts multiplying by a thousand. He shouldn't be this calm, right? He should've whipped my ass off for being such an asshole down there but no, he just came and sat next to me on the bed. 

Sitting face to face with him never felt this scary. It was his gaze which scared the shit out of me for it looked seductive, sexy and almost alluring, as if, calmly inviting me for my death. "Tell me honestly, you like the view or not?", he spoke and I smelled it. 

He was drunk.

"Hyung, d-did you drink?", I asked, timidly. "Doesn't matter. Tell me?", he added, sliding a hand in my t-shirt after grabbing my waist. I jumped on my spot, feeling the tension rising in the air. "H-Hyung...", I paused, looking into his drunken eyes. He did not have a great alcohol tolerance in the first place and usually got drunk just by two beers. So, the alarm began ringing even louder. 

He was angry.

He was high. 

He will kill me and won't even remember a shit.

These were the only thoughts that came and rung my brain's doorbell and my slow ass adrenaline finally kicked in when he caressed my right cheek with his cold hands. A felt a shiver in my body as he abruptly pushed me on the bed. 

"H-Hyung, what's w-wrong?", I stuttered, with him climbing over me. "You wanna do him, right? That's stupid Kinn guy?", he enquired, in a voice colder than Antarctica and deeper than the Pacific. I was shock struck and no matter how hard I tried, nothing, absolutely nothing came out of my darned mouth. 

How to tell him that it was nothing but a sick joke that I made to tease him, knowing the fact that how possessive he was for me. It was all platonic though, much to my utter resentment. My eyes bore into his own seductive looking, drunken gaze as his face edged towards mine. 

Fuck. It was gonna happen. Heeseung hyung was gonna kiss me!

Yeah..as if. 

He nudged his face into my neck and I felt him inhale my scent. This was something only couples would do, right? Was there something really going on in his heart too, just like mine? His hand slid into my t-shirt, yet again and I felt him squeeze my waist. My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets when his hand, which was now dangerously close to my crouch, started rubbing my belly with pure affection; I could feel it. 

His hand surfed and glided on my skin with little to no effort and was now busy massaging my chest when I felt my t-shirt rising and finally leaving my body naked. 

The cold wind kissed my fair skin and the nth shiver ran down my spine. My hands subconsciously clasped my chest, blocking Heeseung hyung's goddamn amazing view, according to him. He grabbed them one by one, pinning them on the sides. "Don't dare to move.", he warned. My chest felt heavy and I had a hard time breathing because this motherfucker was now kissing my chest. 

His lips felt rather soft; almost feeling like a bouncy cushion. A sneaky moan slipped from my mouth as his eyes travelled from my naked torso to my now, lewd looking face. His came closer and once again dipped his head into my neck but this time, I felt a jolting and stinging pain. 

He was biting a particularly soft spot. 

I groaned, not intentionally, but I had learnt that this man, knew what he was doing and it felt damn good. I hadn't even touched alcohol but I felt high and drowsy, as if, all the energy had been drained out of my body. 

"Now tell me, is the view good enough?", he asked, boasting his abs right in front of my face. I couldn't admit it but yeah, they looked like burger buns that I wanted to devour in one sitting. As sinister and dirty this sounds, I could bet that it would be a million times more when we actually did it. 

"Uh...", I paused, feeling his burning gaze on me. "They're better and more refined than those stupid Kinn's were, Jaeyun.", he added. 


What the actual fuck?

He grabbed my hands and directed them towards his toned body. "Move.", he ordered, after settling them on his defined torso and I adhered to it like a kid. Man, they were sculpted, as if, hand-made to fit his body. Another urge to cup them with my mouth lingered in my head. "Aren't they good?", he asked again. "They're the best.", I replied, unconsciously, my hands and eyes still wavering at the view. 

He grabbed my hands in a harsh manner and pinned them once again as we shared a look; a look so sinister, so dirty and so...needy, causing me to bite my lower lip. 

He moved his mouth towards my ear before whispering,

"Keep looking at me like that and I swear, I'll fuck you till you drop dead on your knees, babe. I'm not a merciful guy, for you to know, so better not mess with me. I'll fuck you so hard that even a wheelchair won't suffice for your tiny, stinging asshole." He lastly caressed my ass and passed out on my shoulder. 

It felt surreal; almost too hypothetical to even be real.

What did he just say?...

My thoughts were interrupted by a screeching yell from...Sunoo? "AH HYUNG, MIANHAE! AH- IT HURTS-", he yelled and I heard a loud sound, potentially of a spank. "Poor kid-", I thought before passing out due to all the drowsiness and the warmth, exuding from the elder sleeping peacefully on me. 


How dirty am I, to have written a chapter like this...

Anyways, hope you liked it.😭

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