Chapter 18 - Near Miss Kiss

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Devon POV

Present Day

The plans for today are to take my family out for a hike to my special place, in the pack lands. I knock on Amaris's door. She opens. When she sees me, she gestures for me to come in.

"I thought it would be nice for us to hike around the pack lands today, if you want." I begin. "There is a special place here that I think both you and Devi would enjoy. Also, bring swimsuits."

"That sounds nice." She eyes me warily as she sits down and continues dressing Devi. Once she has finished, she takes a canvas tote and fills it with towels, sunscreen and swimwear for her and Devi. I stoop to pick up Devi as we head out the door. When we get downstairs, Amaris takes a couple of plates from the bar and begins filling them as I strap Devi in her chair. Amaris slides in and puts Devi's breakfast before her.  I think we make a good team.

After making my own plate, I join them. "I asked Karen to prepare us a picnic basket to take with us." I told Amaris. "It should be ready by the time we finish breakfast."

"Okay." She replies. 

Overcome by how beautiful Amaris is, I discretely drink in her features. Regret and guilt pulsate through me. She is truly beautiful inside and out; but there is now a sadness that lingers around her eyes and I know I put it there. That night we first met, her eyes sparkled with a perpetual smile that encompassed her face. Now, except for when she is addressing Devi, her face is usually stoic and unsmiling.

Before long we are leaving the pack house. Passing by the lake, we begin traveling a well-worn path steadily rising through the trees. Devi appears to be excited to be out in the woods. Sparksburg, where they live, is more urban and populated. Of course there are woods, wolves need to run. As Amaris and I leisurely climb, Devi is excitedly darting from one thing to another. At one point, she is chasing a butterfly. Thankfully, she doesn't stray far from us.

I know we are getting close to what I want to show them as I begin to hear the roar. Reaching a plateau, there it is, a thin waterfall splashing into a small lake. A stream coming from the lake dashes down the other side of the trail we have been following. Devi shrieks. "I wanna swim, daddy!"

My heart leaps as Amaris finally breaks into a smile that reaches her eyes. "Devon, this is beautiful." She sighs.

Devi tore off her sundress and Amaris was struggling to get her in her bathing suit. Having shucked off my t-shirt and jeans, I stood there in my swimming trunks that I had worn underneath. I toss a squealing Devi in the air and begin walking into the water. Amaris disappears behind some trees and emerges a few minutes later in her swimsuit and joins us in the lake.

Disguised by the lake water we are splashing, tears come to my eyes. This is where I had longed to be all along. At least an hour goes by as we splash and play together. I sat Devi on the sand at the bank of the lake with her toys. Amaris is floating lazily about 10 feet from us. I playfully lunge at Amaris, catching her around her waist and drag her under the surface. We both come up sputtering and splashing. Amaris is laughing and smiling up at me. My arms are around her waist, our lips close and our bodies pressed closer. I tilt my head toward her as she lifts hers to mine. Devi wails.

Amaris POV

Just before our lips meet, Devi screams out. Alerted by her cry, I snap my head toward the shore. To my horror, Jeni stands there with Devi who is struggling to free herself. Jeni smiles at us with that manipulative sickening sweet look.

I screech as I tear myself from Devon's bewildered embrace. As if in slow motion, I race to Jeni and wrench Devi from her while forcefully shoving Jeni. "Don't ever touch my child again!" I bellow, panting. Looking Devi over for any wounds, I warn Jeni. "Touch her again and you die!"

Jen collapses to the ground in a sobbing heap. "I just wanted to meet her." She wails.

"You don't ever just come up and pick up someone's child!" I chastised. "And you are never to lay a finger on my child again! DO YOU UNDERSTAND." At that last sentence, I was up in her face, reaching for her throat. Devi screaming in my arms.

"Amaris!" Devon grabs my arm that is angling toward Jeni's neck and angrily pulls me away. "Stop this! You are holding Devi. Jeni doesn't deserve this. I don't know why you want to act this way!" He rages as he releases me and rushes over to Jeni. Bending over, he reaches to touch Jeni, but is prevented by Rue who loudly snarls, readying to attack.

"Jeni, honey, are you okay?" He soothes, unable to touch her. 

 Rue is as adverse to her as I am and Devi was struggling to get away from her. He really should get a clue. While he is cooing and coddling the witch, I pack up our things and march off down the trail to the sound of her wails and sobs. Devon never even knew we left.

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 by Mellie_readsnwrites

All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted inany form by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic ormechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

Jeni POV

Peeking through my arms, I watch Amaris and her spawn marching angrily down the path back to the pack house. Continuing my ruse, I note that I barely made it here in time. If Sheila had waited one more minute to tell me Devon and Amaris had left with a picnic basket, I would have been too late to stop that kiss. As it was, I had to run here. I knew where he would go. This is where he always goes, it's his favorite place. It was an act of genius when I snatched up that brat, who immediately started bawling and interrupted them.

"Devon, what is wrong with her?" I sob. Goddess I deserve an Emmy for this portrayal. "I just want to be friends with them."

Devon opens his mouth to speak, but I realize it is Rue when his eyes turn gold and his voice is growly. "You don't want to be friends. You want to interfere. You better beware and stay away from my family, especially my pup. You have been warned!"  He growls.   I fall, startled at the loathing in Rue's voice.

At the same time Devon snaps back, catching himself just before he falls. "I'm sorry, Jeni. You know I have a difficult time with Rue around you. Why were you up here anyway?"

"It's always been our favorite place to go." I sniffle. "I just was lonely for you. Is that a picnic?" I point to the basket. Of course it is, I smirk to myself. "I am kinda hungry. I don't suppose Amaris will be eating it now." I gaze up at him with my doe-eyed look.

"Have at it." He says getting up. "I need to go after my family." He races off the hill following Amaris.

"What–ewwwwww!" I pound the ground with my fists. "I'll show them! It's time I go check in with Sheila. Surely she's found something to suppress Rue by now." I kick the basket over, spilling its contents and follow Devon down the trail.

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