Chapter 33 - Escape

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Wherever we traveled, it didn't take long. I think he has a hideout in the city. I am still paralyzed, so I can't get up to look. The van comes to a stop. Jeni's psychotic @ss is still curled up against me.

"We'll take your boyfriend in the house, Jeni." Reginald says. "If he has finally passed out, he will be out for the next 24-48 hours." In the dark, I struggle to get my eyes to close so they think I'm out. "We won't have to restrain him until then."

Jeni raises up on her elbow and peers into my face. "It looks like he's out."

"Good. Marcus, you and the guys haul him into that empty room for the night. You can stay in there with him, Jeni. The rest of you girls can stay in a separate room together."

"Reg, can I borrow a car? I got an errand to run." Jeni asks.

"Sure, take the blue Escalade next to us." He points at another vehicle in the driveway. "It has a full tank."

"Great! Is there a black magic shop where I can purchase a few items I am going to need?"

"Yes.  It is just two blocks over."  He points.  "I have an account there.  Just charge what you need to me, little cousin."

"Thanks, Reg. I'll be back by morning." She smiles and leans up to my ear and whispers so I am the only one to hear. "I'm going to head up North and get rid of Amaris for good." She laughs and passionately kisses me. If my bodily functions were working right now, I would be throwing up. My life is a nightmare!

Everyone piles out of the van and I am unceremoniously hauled inside and tossed on the bed like a sack of potatoes. I can't move, I can barely breathe. I have to do something to stop Jeni from getting to Amaris. I can feel Rue beginning to stir in my mind. "Rue! We have to burn through whatever they gave us. Jeni has left to hurt Amaris and we have to stop her."

I can feel Rue trying to shake off the poison that has us paralyzed. Unable to move or speak, we are prisoners in our own body. But my mind is alert and I am desperate to escape. Jeni believes that if she can get rid of Amaris, she can break my spirit and force me to mate with her. I can't allow it, no matter what. Rue is fighting the poison with all his might. I can feel his determination as he growls and thrashes in my subconscious, in a determined effort to break free and protect our mate. Thankfully, the fight Rue is putting up is causing my heart to race and the poison to burn through our system quicker.

As it begins to weaken its grip, we gather all our strength to break free. With an outpouring of power, Rue and I converge as we have never before. We push against the pain, muscles screaming in protest, I manage to move my finger.  Encouraged, I concentrate, urging my hands to curl and uncurl.  Gasping for breath, focusing every ounce of will on lifting my arms.  My muscles protest due to the effort, but slowly they respond.  Trembling with the exertion, I grasp ahold of the headboard.  My back arches slightly as I struggle to pull myself up to sitting.  

My legs were the biggest test.  With gritted teeth, I force my toes to flex his toes, then my feet. Pain shoots through my legs, a sharp reminder of the poison still in my my veins.  Fighting against the stiffness, I will my legs to move.  Sweat drenching my body and muscles vibrating, I continue to push upwards.  

With he room spinning around me, I am finally able to plant my feet on the ground.  My legs trembling, threatening to give way, I steady myself.  Drawing on reserves of strength I didn't know I possessed and purpose that drives us to save Amaris, at all costs, I stand. Heart pounding, breath ragged, we are determined to reach her before it is too late.

I trip to the window and fumble with the lock. Finally, tugging it open, I throw my still recovering body over the edge and topple to the ground.  With a sharp intake of breath, I drag myself to the van.  Before I begin to hotwire it, I realize the keys are in the ignition. Heaving myself into the driver's seat, I strap in to keep myself in place.  Firing up the engine, I quickly back out.

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