Chapter 34 - You Chose Me

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"Devon." I scream as he hits the floor with a thud. "Don't be dead! Don't be dead." I repeat as I run my hands over his neck searching for a pulse. Thank the goddess, his pulse is still strong.

I am no surgeon, but I do know that silver is deadly to shifters. The longer that blade stays in Devon's chest, the more poison gets into his system. I also know a little blood flow from the wound will help purge the silver that has already seeped in.

Being careful not to touch the silver myself but with no time to spare, I peel off my t-shirt and grasp the handle of the knife and pull. I pause when it makes a sickening squelching sound that normally wouldn't affect me. But seeing Devon so pale and helpless fills me with distress. I take a deep breath to steady myself and try again. I am finally successful at removing the blade, but the wound oozes with a faint, ominous glow that hints at the poisoning that is spreading through his bloodstream.

As blood leaks from the wound, I race over to the closet to grab my medical bag. Putting on a pair of thick, silver-proof surgical gloves, I begin to clean the wound with fresh gauze and saline solution. With urgency, I administer a pre-filled sedation pen to ensure he remains still as I work on his injury. Once I have cleansed the wound, I can see that the surrounding tissue has been compromised as it has that faint, eerie glow, indicating silver poisoning.

I snap open the vial of my experimental antidote for silver poisoning. Mixing the powder with saline solution in a sterile metal bowl, I apply the mixture deep into the puncture wound with a long cotton swab. After coating the area, I bandage it.

I realize there could be internal damage beyond my skill set. He needs to be transported to the hospital immediately. As I finish my ministrations, mom walks in the room. "Oh, goddess, Amaris. What has happened?"

"We have had an attack, mom. Please contact 911." I urge her. After calling for help, mom brings me a t-shirt which I thankfully put on. Not wanting to leave Devon's side, I ask her to go check on Devi. I can't believe she has slept through all of this commotion.

Just then, the blare of sirens and flashing lights snaps me out of my fixated state. I hadn't been aware of their approach, but suddenly my doorway is filled with EMTs and enforcers in black tactical gear. "That was fast," I breathe out, relief flooding through me as help arrives.

As the EMTs take over, I step back to let them do their job. The room hums with energy as they assess Devon's condition and the crime scene. Another set of EMTs are loading Jeni's body onto a gurney and covering her with a sheet as the Enforcers are taking notes, photos and securing the door.

The EMTs load Devon onto a stretcher and rush him out to the ambulance. After ensuring that mom and Devi are okay, I follow closely behind and climb into my car to follow the ambulance to the hospital.

"I called Devi's nanny." Mom stops me before I leave. "She said she would be here in a few minutes." I am so grateful for mom's recovery. Just a couple weeks ago, I would not have been able to leave Devi with her for even a short amount of time. Nor would she have been able to make that call before.

"Thanks mom." I hug her. "I'm so glad to have you in my life."

Her eyes moisten as she returns the hug. "Be safe, baby." She says.

The hospital comes into view. A place that I am very familiar with. Aware of the caliber of the team of doctors that work there puts my mind at ease. I know Devon is in capable hands.

Once inside, I update the medical team on duty with the diagnosis of the silver poisoning and the treatment I administered. Since I am technically Devon's family, I stand by and allow them to continue to stabilize him.

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