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Winter Solstice Text Chapter 21

    On the way, Lu Yan seemed unusually silent because of what happened in the past few days.

    For some reason, Jiang Cheng Yi cherished words like gold.

    The car was quiet. Lu Yan silently thought about Ding Jing. She felt a little cold for some reason. She was about to put on her coat.

    When she turned around, she found that Jiang Cheng Yi not only didn't speak, but his face was becoming more and more smelly.

    Thinking of it, When he got in the car, he smiled inexplicably and was stunned.

    She couldn't help but lower her head slightly to look at his clothes.

    The knitted skirt has a straight collar, exposing the entire shoulder.

  The skirt is so short that she has to sit upright at all times, otherwise she will be suspected of being exposed at any time.

    She couldn't wear this kind of dress a few times throughout the year, simply because she was going to attend Dazhong's birthday party tonight.

    As Tang Jie's best friend, she had the obligation to look more glamorous.

    During the few days she stayed at Jiang Cheng Yi's house, she firstly didn't bring any clothes with her, and secondly, she was too preoccupied to dress up.

   She wore nothing but a black sweater, black pants, and high heels all day long, with a white or gray coat on top.

    Compared with tonight's elegant dress, she was indeed too casual two days ago, but it seemed that she was looking forward to tonight's party.

    She blinked, tucked one side of her hair behind her ear, then rested her arm on the car window as if nothing had happened and looked out the window.

    After driving for a while, Jiang Cheng Yi seemed to feel stuffy in the car, so he suddenly opened the window and let in the night wind.

    Lu Yan was wearing thin clothes.

    Aroused by the cold, her throat felt itchy and she couldn't help but cough twice.

    The window was quickly closed again.

    One was cold and the other was hot, which made the car even more silent, but the two of them were silent as if they were competing.

    She doesn't know how long it took, but Jiang Cheng Yi's phone suddenly rang.

    Although Lu Yan didn't look back, she actually felt that the ringtone was more pleasant than ever before.

    However, it rang several times in succession, but Jiang Cheng Yi seemed not to hear it and never answered.

    Lu Yan was startled and realized that he might not have brought the Bluetooth headset.

     She turned around and looked around the car.

    When she didn't see the phone, she asked him: "Where is the phone? Do you want me to pick it up for you?" ?"

    After a few seconds, Jiang Cheng Yi said, "It's in my trouser pocket."

    Lu Yan glanced at him and didn't move.

    Jiang Cheng Yi looked straight ahead, with a paralyzed expression on his face: "It should be Lao Qin's call."

    It was so late, Lao Qin would not call for no reason, and Jiang Cheng Yi had many cases on his hands, so if he missed the call  , who knew what the consequences would be, so Lu Yan had no choice but to lean over and reach into his trouser pocket for his cell phone.

Love Song In Winter (Winter Solstice / Midwinter)❄️[Requested]Where stories live. Discover now