Part 52

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Winter Solstice Text Chapter 52

    At three o'clock in the morning, the lights from the first floor to the third floor of the Anshan District Criminal Police Brigade were brightly lit, and everyone in the serious crime team was working overtime.

    In order to arrest the suspect, the highway section from S city to , went to the restroom to cross-dress, and then hitched a ride with a long-distance truck driver to leave the rest stop as a woman.

    Due to the heavy traffic flow at the rest stop, the lighting facilities at night were not as good as during the day.

   It took the police a few more minutes to capture the female passenger suspected of being Cheng Zhou on the surveillance camera.

   After that, they continued to hunt for more than two hours.

    Jiang Cheng Yi finally stopped on a certain highway.

   When the suspect Cheng Zhou planned to repeat his old trick at the exit, he intercepted the suspect himself.

    The suspect is now in the interrogation room.

   Reporters were squatting outside the police station.

   Zheng Xiao Wen’s tens of millions of fans reported new news in real time on Weibo. Countless pairs of eyes were staring at the latest developments of the case.

    From the director of the Anshan District Bureau to the young police officers who have just graduated, they are all waiting for the next interrogation.

   The social impact of celebrity effect is unpredictable.

   If Zheng Xiao Wen is still alive, the police will not rescue her in time.

  If an accident occurs, one can imagine what kind of public pressure the police will face next.

    In other words, arresting them is only the first step.

   The most important thing is to find out the whereabouts of Wen Peng and Zheng Xiao Wen as soon as possible.

    They found Wen Peng's car in an alley near Wen Peng's home.

    According to surveillance footage, Wen Peng and Zheng Xiao Wen drove the car to the alley and got out of the car.

    The last time the two appeared on surveillance was at 6:50 in the morning.

   Unfortunately, there was a surveillance blind spot nearby, and the subsequent scenes of Wen Peng and Zheng Xiao Wen could not be tracked.

   Searches have been launched at several artificial lakes in the city and suburbs, but there is still no news.

    Jiang Cheng Yi went to the faucet and washed his face with cold water to dispel his tiredness.

   When he came back, he took a sip of the coffee Xiao Zhou had brewed and then said, "Cheng Zhou's mentality is different from ordinary people's. I don't think he will. Please confess the crime happily, and we have to think carefully about how the next interrogation will unfold. We can brainstorm and share any ideas we have. "

    Lao Liu is a relatively senior police officer in the team. He has been engaged in criminal investigation for many years and has already mastered a wealth of knowledge. With his interrogation skills and experience, seeing Jiang Cheng Yi and Lao Qin looking extremely tired after driving for several hours, he volunteered: "Captain Jiang, why don't I go and gnaw on this hard bone."

    At this time, Lao Qin happened to be sending Dr. Yu off. Come in.

    Hearing this, Yu Zheng politely stopped him: "Officer Liu, Zheng Xiao Wen is the last victim of Cheng Zhou's series of crimes. With his criminal style, even if he is behind bars, he will let this case go his way. The idea came to a successful conclusion. I have a hunch that without the help of psychological means, the interrogation process will become very difficult. Let me make two offensive requests: 1. If you want to find the criminal's breakthrough point as soon as possible, the interrogation process will be somewhat different from the regular process. So I hope that Team Jiang and I will lead the interrogation process. 2. The interrogation site will be limited to five people."

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