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Nathan: I hate how he sleeps like that.

Sam is passed out in the backseat, forehead against the window and arms folded, shaking in his sleep. Nathan looks behind at him worriedly

Dean: He'll be fine

Nathan: He's having another nightmare.

Dean: You think so?

Nathan: Should we----

Sam shoots awake. Dean and Nathan looks at him as he rubs his eyes glancing at Nathan who smiles

Dean: You okay?

Sam: Yeah. I'm fine.

Nathan: Another one?

Sam clears his throat

Nathan: Sorry

He leans into the seat of the car looking ahead at the road.

Sam: No it's fine, Nat.

Dean: You wanna drive for a while?

Sam: Dean, your whole life you never once asked me that

Dean: Just thought you might want to, nevermind.

Nathan: Dude! You don't ask me if I wanna drive!

Dean: Because last time you took Baby, you and Ali fucked in the backseat

Nathan moves his eyes around, shifting in his seat uncomfortably

Nathan: Touche.

Sam: Wait, you and Ali are still-----

Nathan: No, she dumped my ass.

Dean: Because you're a dumbass.

Nathan: Jerk

Dean: Bitch

Sam: Dicks.

Dean: And also you can't drive for shit.

Nathan: I'm better then you!

Dean looks back at Sam

Dean: You sure you're good?

Sam: I'm fine. Look guys, you're worried about me. I get it and thank you but I'm perfectly okay.

Dean and Nathan exchanges a look with each other.

Sam: Now where are we?

Dean: We are just outside of Grand Junction.

Sam folds down the map, which is of Colorado and has a large red X labeled 35-111.

Sam: You know what. Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon.

Dean: Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica—

Sam: We gotta find Dad first.

Nathan: Dad disappearing and this thing showing up after 20 years, it's not coincidence.

Dean: Dad will have answers. He'll know what to do.

Nathan: He always does.

Sam: It's weird, man. These coordinates he left us. This Blackwater Ridge.

Nathan: What about it?

Sam: There's nothing there. It's just woods.

He puts down the map.

Sam: Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere?

They drive past the National Forest sign that says, "Welcome to LOST CREEK COLORADO National Forest".

Winchester Family-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now