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Sam, Dean, Nathan and Rachel are sleeping. Dean's phone rings but he doesn't wake up

Nathan: Dean! Answer the fucking phone!

Dean doesn't wake up. Sam sighs and leans over answering the phone

Sam: Hello?

John is standing at a payphone

John: Sam, is that you?

Sam sits up in the bed confused and alert.

Sam: Dad?

Nathan's eyes snaps open and sits up, walking over to Sam's bed and sits beside him

Sam: Are you hurt?

John: I'm fine

Sam: We've been looking for you everywhere. We didn't know where you were, if you were okay.

John: Sammy, I'm all right. What about you, Nat, and Dean?

Sam: We're fine. Dad, where are you?

Dean sits up in his bed. Nathan runs his hand through his hair nervously.

John: Sorry, kiddo. I can't tell you that

Rachel begins to wake up

Sam: What? Why not?

Dean: Is that dad?

Nathan nods his head

John: Look, I know this is hard for you to understand. You're just gonna have to trust me on this.

Sam: You're after it, aren't you? The thing that killed Mom.

John: Yeah it's the demons, Sam.

Sam: Demons? You know for sure?

Dean: Demons?

Nathan: What's he saying?

John: I do. Listen, Sammy, I, uh......I also know what happened to your girlfriend. I'm so sorry. I would've done anything to protect you from that.

Sam clenches his jaw

Sam: You know where they are?

John: Yeah. I think I'm finally closing in on them.

Sam: Let us help

Dean, Nathan, and Rachel watches him carefully. Rachel stands up and walks over sitting beside Nathan, grabbing his hand and interlinking their fingers together.

John: You can't. You can't be any part of it.

Sam: Why not?

Nathan: Give me the phone.

John: Listen, Sammy, that's why I'm calling. You and your brother, you gotta stop looking for me. Alright, now, I need you to write down these names.

Sam: Names? What names, Dad—talk to me, tell me what's going on.

John: Look, we don't have time for this. This is bigger than you think, they're everywhere. Even us talking right now, it's not safe.

Sam: No. Alright? No way.

Dean: Give me the phone.

John: I have given you an order. Now, you stop following me, and you do your job. You understand me? Now, take down these nams.

Dean grabs the phone

Dean: Dad, it's me. Where are you

Dean: Yes, sir.

Winchester Family-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now