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Mary Winchester in a white nightgown carries a small child, Dean Winchester into a dark room

Mary: Let's say good night to the twins.

She turns on the lights: it's the nursery of two babies, Sam and Nathan, who is lying in their crib and looking over at them. Mary sets Dean down. He leans over the side of the crib and kisses his brothers on the forehead.

Dean: 'Night, Sam. Night Nat

Mary leans over as well

Mary: Good night, loves.

Man: Hey, Dean.

Dean turns. The MAN in the doorway wearing a USMC T-shirt is John. Dean rushes over to him.

Dean: Daddy!

John: Hey, buddy.

John picks him up in his arms.

John: So what do you think? You think Sammy's ready to toss around a football yet?

Dean shakes his head, laughing.

Dean: No, Daddy.

John: What about Nat?

Dean: No, Daddy.

Mary walks past them heading out of the room.

Mary: You got him?

John: I got him

He hugs Dean closer

John: Night, kiddos.

He carries Dean out of the room, turning off the lights. Sam watches them go while Nathan reaches for his toes.

The baseball-themed mobile above the cribs begins to spin on its own while the babies watches. The transportation-themed clock on the wall ticks, ticks, stops. The moon-shaped nightlight flickers.


Lights flicker on a baby monitor sitting on a nightstand next to a photo of MARY and JOHN. Strange noises come through the monitor. Mary, asleep in bed, stirs. She turns on the light on the nightstand.

Mary: John?

She turns: she's alone and gets up.


She walks down the hall to the nursery. John seen only in silhouette, stands over Sam's crib.

Mary: John? Are they hungry?

Man: Shh.

Mary: All right

She walks back into the hallway not noticing another figure sitting in the rocking chair with their hands clasped together sharing a smirk with the figure beside Sam's crib.

Flickering light is coming from downstairs: Mary investigates. A war movie is on TV and John has fallen asleep watching it. If John is here then the Man upstairs cannot be John and must be a danger. She runs back upstairs.

Mary: Sammy! Nat! Sammy! Nat!

She runs into the nursery and stops short.

Man: Hello again, Love.

Mary screams echos throughout the house. Downstairs, John wakes up

John: Mary?

He runs upstairs

John: Mary!

He bursts through the closed door of the nursery.

John: Mary.

Winchester Family-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now