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Sam starts up from his bed, suddenly wide awake. He looks across to where Dean, Nathan, and Rachel are sleeping peacefully. Sam sits a moment, then moves into action, flipping on the light switch and shaking them awake

Sam: Dean. Nat. Wake up!

Dean, Nathan, and Rachel stirs awake and Sam rises to begin gathering their things.

Rachel: What's the matter with you?!!

Dean: What are you doing, man, it's  the middle of the night?

Nathan sits up on his elbows as Rachel sits up

Sam: We have to go

Dean, Nathan, and Rachel becomes alert.

Nathan: Why?

Sam: We have to go. Right now.

He grabs his bag and walks out of the room.


Dean is driving. Rachel in the passenger seat. Dean and Nathan in the backseat.

Sam is on the phone

Sam: McReady. Detective McReady. Badge number 158. I've got a signal 480 in progress, I need the registered owner of a two door sedan, Michigan licence plate Mary-Frank-six-zero-three-seven. Yeah ok, just hurry.

Nathan: Sammy, relax. I'm sure it's just a nightmare.

Sam: Yeah, tell me about it.

Dean: We mean it. Y'know, a normal, everyday, naked-in-class, nightmare. This licence plate, it won't check out. You'll see.

Sam: It felt different, guys. Real. Like when I dreamt about our old house. And Jessica.

Rachel: Yeah, that makes sense.

Nathan: You're dreaming about our house, your girlfriend. This guy in your dream, you ever seen him before?

Sam: No.

Dean: No. Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan.

Sam: I don't know.

Dean: Me neither.

Nathan: Don't look at me cause I ain't got a fucking clue.

Sam speaks into the phone

Sam: Yes I'm here

He gives them a look, writing something down

Sam: Jim Miller. Saginaw, Michigan. You have a street address? Got it. Thanks.

He hangs up

Sam:  Checks out. How far are we?

Rachel: From Saginaw? Coupla hours.

Sam: Drive faster.


The Impala comes to a stop. There's Emergency vehicles and someone on a stretcher being zipped into a body bag. They turn to each other in the car. Nathan is concerned. Sam is upset. Dean and Rachel are confused


Dean, Nathan, and Rachel are walking around the crowd overlooking the cops standing beside a blonde woman.

Nathan: What happened?

Woman:  Suicide. Can't believe it

Sam walks up behind and stands on the woman's other side

Sam: Did you know them?

Woman: Saw him in every Sunday at St Augustines. He always seems...seemed, so normal. I guess you never know what's going on behind closed doors.

Winchester Family-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now