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Sam is on a payphone. Dean is sitting at a table. Nathan is standing outside the payphone with a cigarette

Dean: Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is gettin' cold over here, Francis.

Sam walks back over to the table and sits down

Sam: Bite me.

Nathan walks back over with the cigarette in his hand.

Sam: Nat, you're smoking again?

Nathan: Well, three years go I was smoking again and I'm still smoking today

Dean: Disgusting habit. Right, Sam?

Sam clears his throat

Sam: Can I bum one?

Nathan: Sure thing

He pulls out the pack

Dean: Dude!

Sam: Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm done after this one. I am done

Dean gives him a look as Nathan hands him the cigarette.

Dean: You haven't smoked since college

Sam: College is stressful.

Dean rolls his eyes

Dean: So anyone got anything?

Sam: I got nothing

He lights the cigarette.

Sam: I had 'em check the FBI's Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Doe's fitting Dad's description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations.

Nathan: Guys, I'm tellin' ya, I don't think Dad wants to be found.

Sam looks disappointed. Dean looks at the laptop

Dean: Check this out

He shows the twins an article on the computer about Rich's death.

Dean: It's a news item out of Planes Courier. Ankeny, Iowa. It's only about a hundred miles from here.

Sam: (reading) "The mutilated body was found near the victim's car, parked on 9 Mile Road."

Dean: Keep reading.

Nathan: "Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible."

Dean: Could be something interesting.

Sam: Or it could be nothing at all. One freaked out witness who didn't see anything? Doesn't mean it's the Invisible Man.

Dean: But what if it is?

Nathan: Dad would check it out.

Sam gives him a look and Nathan smiles as Sam sighs.


The Impala speeds down the highway.


They pull up outside a frat house and stops the car.

Sam: One more time, why are we here?

Dean: Victim lived here.

They walk up to some guys fixing a car.

Nathan: Nice wheels.

They look at him strangely.

Dean:  We're your fraternity brothers. From Ohio. We're new in town. Transfers. Looking for a place to stay.

He grins

Winchester Family-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now