Chapter 1

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"Aaarghhhhhhhhh stupid alarm". Fuck you alarm.
"Ishaaa", calls my mother.
"Coming", i replied back.

I want to wear something light today, it's so fucking hot.
After getting I walk down and see my mom in the kitchen making breakfast for me. She is completely ready for work. She is beautiful. No wonder I look too.

"Mom i don't like okra.... ewwww", were my words as soon as I saw what she is making.
"Honey this isn't for you, I know you don't like okra. I made something else for you" she smirks.
Damn she knows me too well. She hands me the sandwich which is one of my favourite foods.
I am done with my breakfast and leave for school. Its my senior year. Am gonna enjoy the shit outta everything and study as well go get into a good college. I haven't decided get, but my first preference will always be Standford where my childhood bestie stays. I wanna spend time with him. Its been years since I last saw him. Our parents were so close friends and now they don't even speak to each other. Anyways I just care about spending time with him. Thinking about this I reach school.

"Hey babe'", calls me from behind and I turn around. Its my best friend Anaya.
'Hey' , I reply. She wore a black crop top and black short which suites her for sure and her all time sneakers.
'You look very.. umm am not getting the write word but you look very umm...' still can't get the right word.|
'Blaze?', I asked.
'Fuck yes.. BLAZE', she replied.
'It was just way too hot today and wanted to wear something light so that I don't keep sweating and keep getting people away from me.' I replied.
'Hot huh', she smirks and I roll my eyes.
'I mean makes sense', she replies.
'But did you tell David that you kinda like him?', she says, her voice way to low.
'WTF no, I won't. I asked Shrey to indirectly give him a hint but that asshole didn't do yet'. I replied with an upset face.
'Well he sits beside you in the class why don't you go and speak to him?', She replies and it even makes sense. I did speak to him a couple of times. Half the time it's about who scores more in maths. I love it when i score more than him. But i don't know why i got attracted to him. Do I really feel for him, is it because I don't have anyone else.

'Miss Harvey', I turn back. A lady wearing a red skirt and a white top tucked in calls me. She's my dance teacher.
'Good Morning Miss Stellon', I reply back.
'You are going to perform in the annual event competition going to be organized on 29th of May. I need you to give your best shot and win this competition. I have full faith in you.' She says with a lot of confidence which brings a huge smile on my face and the excitement in me starts burning.
'Thank you Miss Stellon'. I reply with a smile.
'Oh and there are few more students who are going to participate, please guide them and get the best outta them.' She instructed me.
'Sure Miss Stellon', I reply back.

I walk towards the dance hall and I see him. His eyes, his lips, his sweaty hair which reach till his eyes. I don't know why am not able to take my eyes off him. I have never seen him before in the campus.
'Hey Isha', someone calls me and I just jump being scared if anyone saw me staring at him.
'Hey Logan', I reply back trying to make eye contact with him.
'So Stellon told us that your going to guide us with all those steps and shit for the competition', he says with least interest in his voice.
By looking at the scenario I realize that am stuck with bunch of noobs and idiots who don't even know the D of dance.
'Fuck', someone yells way to loud grabbing everyone's attention.
I look around and he's the one who yelled so loud.
'You fucking cunt, you fucked her. Like for real you fucking did that', were the words that came out of his mouth and I my eyes wide open. I never heard someone swear so much.
'Yoo Ryan calm down, I didn't. I was just messing.' , his friend replies trying to calm his curiosity down. His name is Ryan. Now I need to work with a person who keeps swearing. OMG what if something goes wrong and he ends up swearing on me and insulting me. The thought of that makes me feel like crying.
'You don't even have the balls to fuck her, so just shut the fuck up and wait for that new girl to come and teach us shit. I swear if it wasn't for this suspension from football I wouldn't even be hear. What's her name... umm Ish, Iss... fuck..', he says leaving a heavy breath out. I should deal with this type of shit for next 20 days. I need to be calm. I walk towards him.
'It's Isha', I say looking towards him.
'Yeah sorry my bad', he replied not making any eye contact and sounding annoyed.
'What's... What's your name?', I ask him.
'Why do you wanna know my name.', he smirks creating a lot of tension in me and moves closer. No able to form a proper sentence in my head but still manage to speak.
'Its... It will be easy to communicate and guide all of you.', I ask with confidence and he moves back. I lay out a sigh of relief.

( "Hey guys. Thank you so much. It's my first time on wattpad. Please keep reading and give likes and comments. The story will get interesting as you guys proceed to further chapters. Forward it to friends for more views")

Thank you guys for 100 reads. Please keep reading and enjoy. The story has many twists and turns. Don't leave the story in between.

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