Chapter 4

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I walk away from them as soon as possible and go to the dance hall.
I change my clothes into my workout suit. I go for a blue and purple color sports bra and matching track pant.
I take the aerial silk, pull myself upwards. I rotate my body and move down, keeping my  right hand on my back and my eyes closed. I can ear the air around me. I imagine Ryan and my eyes open up immediately. I land on my knees and close my eyes and sit there. Why is his presence effecting me. 
The door opens and he walks in. It's Ryan. What the hell is he doing here.
'I guess it's time for US to practice.', he says and moves towards the speaker and plays the music.
'Wha...', before completing he grabs me and pulls me towards him. His movements are much faster and harsh now. Some what it was hurting me. He lifts me into the air. His eyes are red. Our bodies are again in contact. This time his breathing is much heavier. He looks into my eyes and his hands closely goes down on my hips. I look at him, slowly he gets his hands back on my waist, then on my shoulder, then on my neck and his hands are on my cheeks. The warmth of his hands makes me to close my eyes. I like it when he is around me. I could feel his breath close to my face. When I open my eyes his face is inches away from my face. He looks are me and moves back. He wipes his sweat from his head.
'What was that', I finally say.
'What, I was just practicing'., he clearly doesn't say what I want to hear.
'Fine then', I frown and walk towards the door while after grabbing my stuff.
'Wait, you can't go out in this dress', he says. What.
'Why what's wrong in this', I question him
'If people out there see you in this outfit clearly would want to fuck you.', my mouth drops.
'So what. Let them think shit. I don't care', I fire back and move walk towards the door.
'Listen to me', he blocks my way
'What's the problem man, it's not that they will actually fuck me. Let me go. Moveee', my tone angry
'No', he says still blocking my way.
'Move... move.... move Ryan', I say that multiple times trying to push him from my way but he clearly seems lost and smiles. Is he enjoying seeing my begging him. Suddenly his facial expression changes and he moves away and I almost bang my self to the door. Finally, is he crazy. At first he blocks the way and smiles like a serial killer and the every next moment he moves away allowing me to hit myself to the door. I leave without saying a word. I turn back and look at him. He is standing right there and looking down. Idiot. I walk towards my home. Why did he do that. Why was he so aggressive in his steps. God knows what is going on in his head. I reach home and go directly to my room. I lay down on my bed and my phone vibrates.
'Hey, Am cmg tmr' , message from Anaya.
By reading the message, I get a smile on my face.
I didn't know when i fell asleep.

I wake up next morning, trying to recall what happened yesterday. I remember Ryan mentioning about my outfit. I check myself in the mirror. For real my body was looking incredible. I should buy more of this. Oh god the event is in next two days. I don't have anything to wear. I need to go shopping. I will take Anaya with me. I take a quick shower and wear my favorite black V neck top and my white shorts. Girl in Black and White, thinking of this makes me laugh.
I grab my stuff and go down stairs.
'Hey honey, Yesterday night you looked very tired. You were sleeping so I didn't wake you up', my mom says.
'Yeah I was very tired due to a lot of practice for the event. I want to give my best', I say her and give her s soft kiss on her cheeks and leave my house. I walk towards my school thinking about what is gonna happen today. Obviously between me and Ryan. Which makes me feel more nervous but the fact that Anaya is coming makes he feel little less nervous.
'Hey babe', a similar voice from behind. Its Anaya, she puts her hand on my shoulder.
'hey, how you feeling',  I ask her.|
'I feel so great. After consuming two bottles of wine it makes me feel fresh and energetic', sarcasm in her voice.
'Yeah it definitely does', I said in her tone.
'Well I have to go for practice, as the event is day after tomorrow. I need to gear up and even look after others, whether they are prepared or not', I say
'Woah, chill girl. You need to calm down. Even I'll be there with you to keep you motivated and if you need me I can even carry you to the nurse room', she says and winks at me.
We both walk towards the hall and he is there. He seriously doesn't has any other classes. How  jobless can someone be. If I  become jobless, the guilt of me being jobless will consume me.
'Hey', Ryan says
'Hey', I reply back
'Am sure no one fucked you yesterday', he says and my eyes widen. He clearly can't see someone else standing beside me.
I ignore him and walk past him.
'What was that?', Anaya questions me
'I will tell you later', I say
I see Steff and Logan enter the hall. They look confident.
'Hey guys, We are totally prepared', says Steff
'That's great', I say with excitement.
'I guess we should practice once more', Ryan say
'I don't think there is a need to practice once more. We can have our final practice tomorrow.', I almost interrupt him.
' Tomorrow, really? We have a party at David's place', Say's Steff 
What at David's place? I didn't know he was that popular. Is he popular? Or people are only going for party. Shitttttt... Shitt man. I forgot to say Shrey not to tell anything to David. I don't really have a crush on him. He just seems attractive. I should find Shrey before things go way to far.
'Your coming right?', Steff questions me.
'I.. I don't think so', I replied obviously not sure.
'Your coming, it's gonna be fun', says Steff
'Why do you wanna call her, when clearly she  doesn't want to come. She won't fit in anyway.' Ryan says. Ouch why the hell does he think that I won't fit in such crowd. I have been to parties before. Well never been to a senior year party. Look at his guts.
'I'll see', is what I managed to say.
'So will practice tomorrow', Steff say and leaves the room.
It's only me, Anaya and Ryan.
'Isha, I'll leave. I have a class', Anaya says and moves towards the door. She winks at me and leaves.
Now it's only me and Ryan. It's better I leave, because if I stay with him, am gonna lose my mind and end up having an argument.
'I'll leave too', I say and take a step towards the door.
'Why are you leaving', he says. Why does he even care. Shouldn't he be leaving to go on more dates with random girls.
'Because we clearly don't have anything else to do. And to be honest it's better that I leave than take your rude comments and insults.' I say with lot of confidence and I mean it as well. I say and walk towards the door. Will he stop me or will he let me go. I feel a tight grip on my left wrist. It's Ryan's hand. He looks at me and pulls me towards him. Our eyes meet each other. I have anger filled in myself. After looking into his eyes, the anger dissolves.
'Why do you think I always insult you?', he questions me while his hands are on my shoulder, gripped them tightly.
'You do, I don't know what is going on in your mind. You got more mood swings than a women. Sometimes your really nice but suddenly you turn harsh. I don't get it.', he's eyes soften.
'I know. I am trying to be nice', he says
'It's clearly not visible', I lie. I know he is trying but those efforts needs to be evident.
'I know, am sorry Ish', when he calls me that. All the anger dissolves.
'Can we be friends at least', Ryan says. Friends, he wants to be friends with me when he clearly said that I don't fit in.
'Friends? Really.', I chuckle
'Yeah?', Ryan says. Should I accept it. Why do I feel that he'll change. Why should I trust him. Whatever he says makes sense to me. He just controls my thoughts.
'Fine', I say
'Really', His eyes lighten up.
'Yeah', I say
'Now can I leave?', I ask him
'Why do you have to leave so early', he questions me.
'I am tired and on top of that I need to go shopping to buy something for the competition.', I say
'We both can go tomorrow. I can help you buy', He offer me help.
'Ryan Wellenton is offering me help, am impressed', I say
'Yeah I guess', he shrugs. Why does he keep saying that. It's kinda irritating.
'Anyways I will see you later tomorrow after school', I say and leave. I don't look back.

It was a tiring day. I reach home early and lay on my bed. I wonder why Ryan asked me to be friends with him. Is he using me for something. Does he really want to be friends with me. There are some many thoughts that are lingering in my head. I just my brain and close my eyes.

'Isha dinner is ready, come down.', my mom calls me. Me being very lazy takes me 10 mins to get up from my bed and  head down.
' What did you make today', I ask her hoping for something delicious.
'Check it out', my mother says
When I receive my plate, It's white sauce pasta.
'Thanks mom's, I say and she gives me a smile.
I clear up the dishes and walk towards my room.

( "Hey guys. Thank you so much. It's my first time on wattpad. Please keep reading and give likes and comments. The story will get interesting as you guys proceed to other chapters. Forward it to friends for more views")

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