Pt.2 why my girl?

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I sat there silent for a second rethinking everything

Y/n was my best friend she always has been

We hadn't stopped being each others friends since we were three

I have always been there for her and she's always been there for me

We had so many memories of hangouts and parties throughout the years

I had never had a better friend than what y/n had been to me

but I have always liked her as more than a friend

I never told her because I didn't want to ruin our friendship

And I know that sounds so cliche but it was the truth

Because what would happen if she said no?

But now I regret all the times I didn't take the opportunity

as I listened to Luis talk about their date

She had found someone better and I couldn't do anything about it

"Hello?" I'm snapped from my thoughts as I hear Luis speak again

"If you hurt her I will personally kill you mendoza got it?" I say sternly

"Yeah yeah by the way Adam if y/n isn't busy get her to call me please" I say yes before he hangs up

"Who was it cake eater?" Y/n walks into the kitchen

I stared at her body a little longer then normal

She was wearing booty shorts and a skin tight tank top

"Uhh oh it was Luis he was talking about some date you two are having" i cross my arms and look out the window hiding my jealousy

"Oh okay, are you okay with me going in a date with him?" She asks concerned

"Yeah I guess" I mutter

"Good because I was going to go no matter what" she smirks

"Okay sled now let's watch some movies" she giggles excited and we walk to the living room

She picks a sad movie and I don't know why she always regrets it by the end

"Why are we watching my girl you always bawl?" I look at her

"Because minus the extremely sad death it's a really cute movie" she shrugs

Then she does something that she's been doing a lot more recently and I will never complain about it

She wraps her arms around my stomach and rests her head on my chest

While watching the movie I get bored and start fiddling with y/n's hair

I first just was twiddling it around my fingers

but soon I started making small neat braids as we watched

She started crying as the movie came closer to the end

I cuddle her more comforting her as the movie reached the credits

"He can't see without his glasses adam!" She exclaims between her sobs

"I know y/n I know" I softly reassure her rubbing her back

Soon after around twenty minutes she stops crying and asks a question

"Would you do that for me?" I almost laugh at the question

"That's a dumb question of course I would" she smirks

"Would you do it for me y/n?" I ask

"Nope" I'm dumbfounded by her response

"Excuse me what do you mean nope?" I ask almost offended

"It's my literal life Adam I'd rather live a ten times longer life with you rather than make you happy by getting the stupid ring and dying" she explains in detail as she is making her cute facial expressions and hand gestures

"Well it still seems rude" i say jokingly

"Hey what do you think about Julie?" I give Her a confused look

"She was eyeing you up banks" she states

"No she wasn't" i scoff

"She so was are you that blind" she gives me a shocked look

"Nah no way.. you think?" I start smiling a little at the thought of someone liking me

"She totally was also what movie should we watch?" I shrug

"Titans?" She suggests and I agree

We watch the titans and a few more movies before we both fell asleep

Before we fell asleep I couldn't stop thinking about y/n and Luis

I mean who the hell asks someone out after a hour of knowing them?

And who says yes!

I wished I could tell y/n how I feel but I'm to scared

I've tried in the past but it never goes well

My throat gets drier than a desert My hands start getting clammy and sweaty I always start stuttering and it's like I don't know how to talk

So I ignore telling her and I've even tried ignoring that I liked her

But I still got those butterflies in my stomach when she hugged me

And I couldn't stop talking about her I even talked to my mom about my feelings!

Why does she do this to me! Why does y/n make me feel like this?

I look down at y/n as our third movie (cars) finished

She had fallen asleep and looked so peaceful

I continue looking at her before I started feeling tired

I rest my head on the back of the couch and close my eyes

soon drifting to sleep with y/n hugging me and I hugging her back

862 words

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