Pt.9 skating bets

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"No I like her but not like that" I sighed

"Let her go then" i gave him a pat on the shoulder

I was partly helping him and partly helping myself

"Ugh okay okay" he stood up and i do as well

We started walking to my front door and as he was walking towards the steps of my front porch

He turned around and stared at me

"Hey adam thanks for your help man" I gave a nod and smile before we said our goodbyes

"Yes yes yes he doesn't like her!" I do a celebration dance as soon as I close my front door

Y/n pov
I was sitting at my desk trying to study for a upcoming science test

But I couldn't focus I kept thinking about Adam

I was scared I mean I didn't know his dad actually beat him

What would happen if he couldn't fight back

I lean back in my chair and stare at my wall for a few seconds

I decided to ditch studying so I closed my textbook and grabbed a sweatshirt from my closet

I slipped it on then grabbed a hockey stick, puck and my hockey skates

I walked down the hall trying to find my parents

They weren't anywhere and the car was gone

so I just texted them that I was going out

I walked out my front door and saw Luis leaving adams

He didn't see me thankfully but I waited until crossing the street in case he did

I crossed the street and knocked on adams door

"Y/n?" He looked confused

"Hey cake eater wanna go skating?" I hold up my skates

"Sure give me a second" I nodded and walked into his house as he ran to his room

He came back in less than a minute with a sweatshirt on

He was holding skates and a hockey stick

"Let's go sled" I smiled and we started walking to the lake

The lake froze over every year and we usually went skating just for fun

Like when we didn't want it to be about the game or winning

It took about ten minutes to walk there and we talked about random stuff like normal

I sat on a bench beside the lake to tie my skates

Adam sat beside me and did the same

"Ready?" I asked standing looking down at Adam

"Always" he smirked

We both skated onto the ice and we're just getting used to skating which didn't take long

We grabbed our sticks and the puck and just started passing

There was a goal on the ice for whatever reason

Adam was standing in front of it talking I saw an opportunity and took it

I slid the puck through his legs and scored

"Hey!" He laughed and I smiled

"What your slow" I giggled and he gasped acting offended

We continued trying to score on each other for at least an hour

We were having fun and we're taking shots

I was making most of the ones I took and Adam made a lot of his

We were playing to win anything That was until he decided to get cocky

"Hey princess wanna make a bet?" He hollered and I spun around

"What's the bet?" I asked getting within arms length from Adam

"If I score the next shot I get to kiss you" I tried ignoring the butterflies

"What do I get if you miss the shot?" I was skating in a circle around Adam slowly

"Hit me?" I chuckled and stopped skating to whisper in his ear

"Well how do you know I don't want to kiss you?" I saw his face become a tinted red

"Are you going to take the bet or not?" He cleared his throat

"Your on cake eater!" I said loudly and got closer to the net

He started skating towards me and faked his shot once

He faked a second time which didn't phase me that much

But when he faked a third time I got caught off gaurd

I turned quickly and realized that he tricked me

I watched as the puck hit the back of the net and Adam started cheering for himself

"Now Adam you never said when I had to kiss you" I remarked and his cheers died down

"Well when do you want to?" He smirked coming so close to me our noses almost touched

"When the times right" I smirked and he chuckled

"Come on you should get home before your dad" I said patting his chest as I skated off the lake

"Fineeee" he groaned

772 words

Cake eaters girlWhere stories live. Discover now