Pt.14 the kiss (adam)

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(You Don't need to read this bc it's the same as pet 13 just adams pov)

**adams pov of pt.13**
I had just made the winning goal!

I couldn't believe it and I started cheering along with my teammates

I saw a few hop onto the ice and slate over to congratulate me

But my eyes were focused on y/n she skated towards me with a huge smile

I embraced her into a hug and soon it was a group hug with everyone crowding around me and y/n

It didn't last long until we all fell over and started laughing

After help one another up we all as a team skated off the ice while chanting 'ducks!'

I was the last off the ice with y/n infrint of me I decided to shoot my shot

Before she walked into the change room I grabbed her arm

She turned around and smiled at me "good job with that goal cake eater you won the for us" she smiled at me

I took a step closer to her and studied her face with a smirk plastered on my face

*here we go* I thought to myself

"Now since I won the game how about that kiss you owe me?" I tried being as nonchalant as I could

But on the inside my heart was racing and was pounding so loud I swear she could hear it

"I don't know, I don't think you really want it" she smirked at me and laughed slightly

"But I do want it.." I started rambling on so fast I didn't even know what I was saying

Until y/n finally cut me off "Adam!" She practically yelled

"What?" I scrunched my eyebrows and tilted my head slightly confused

"I was joking now shut up and kiss me!" I felt my face light up

I couldn't even say anything before y/n placed her lips on mine

I felt overjoyed feeling her soft lips that tasted of cherry

I deepened the kiss and in response y/n wrapped her arms around my neck

I then wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me

I heard someone yelling behind us but couldn't focus on their words

All I could think was that I finally was kissing y/n!

as we pull away from the kiss to catch our breaths I hear cheers from the side

I smiled looking and seeing the whole team they were cheering and smiling

Well except for Luis he looked like he could kill me

I ignored his threatening gaze as averman started yelling

"Hey You owe me $15" he yelled turning and pointing at the team

Both me and y/n have averman and the team puzzled looks

"Did you guys bet on if we would kiss?" I asked before anyone said something

"Averman bet us all you two would kiss by the first month of being on the ducks team but we all called bluff" Charlie piped up explaining

Y/n laughed as they all started searching their pockets and bags

They all had just barely got $15 each to give to averman

After receiving all the money Averman had the cheesiest smile on his face

Before anyone says anything me and y/n push past the ducks

So we could go into the change room and get changed

I was taking my time getting changed when I felt a pair of eyes on me

I turned my head slightly and saw y/n staring

I laughed and turned my whole body around to face y/n

"like what you see princess?" I chuckled stepping closer to her

"maybe" she said while smiling innocently at me

I step back to my bag grabbing my shirt and slipping it on

I started packing my gear into my bag but stop and turn to look at y/n

I scratched my neck hoping it would distract her from how red my face was getting

I could feel my heart pumping so fast and it was so loud

My palms started to get sweaty and the room suddenly felt extremely warm

"Adam what are you going to say?" Y/n asks with her head slightly tilted

"Did you enjoy the kiss?" I blurted out without a second thought

her face gets flustered as she avoids eye contact with me

"Y-y-yeah your a good kisser" she stuttered

I could feel my face light up at the fact Y/N thinks IM a good kisser

I cleared my throat and softly spoke "did you want to kiss me?"

"Yes, did you want to kiss me because you like me Adam?" She asks quickly

"Yes did you want to kiss me for the same reason?" She stays silent but nods

"Y/n.." I could hear my heart beating faster going



Thump, thump

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I ask with anxiety lacing my words

"Yes Adam" she says giggling and smiling

and before I can respond she kisses me again

We both grow deeper into the kiss as our lips move in sync with each other's

I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps hers around my neck like before

We continued kissing for at least a few minutes turning it into a make out session

Until someone cleared their throat which caught not mine but y/n's attention

She pulled away from my grasp and twisted her head quickly

I turned mine as well and saw coach Bombay in the change room door

He had a disappointed look while he crossed his arms and tapped his foot

"Not the place" he talked sternly walking past us

"Sorry sorry coach we were just leaving uh see you at practice!" Y/n yelled frantically

Me and y/n quickly picked up our bags along with our hockey sticks

Y/n then out of nowhere grabs my hand and drags me out of the change room

She was practically running to the front door and I almost fell 3 times

Once she had dragged me to the parking lot I exhaled saying

"That was fun" she then playfully punched my shoulder

"That was embarrassing!" She argued dramatically

I laugh at her dramatic face and tone with y/n joining

Until we both decided to walk home together like always

I hadn't realized until about halfway home that I was still holding her hand

But I didn't pull away because well she didn't seem to mind

I don't know how she thought about us dating but I do know one thing

That this was the best day of my life!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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