Pt.4 date time

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"Hey Luis" I smile opening my door

"Hey y/n ready for our date?" He smiles back

"Yup let's go" I walk out the door with luis

Leaving Adam Connie and Julie I didn't really care though

Connie and Julie would probably leave anyways

We started walking down the street with him mostly leading

since I didn't know where he wanted to take me

"You look nice tonight" Luis tries breaking the awkward silence that had set

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" I smile

"Where are we going for this date?" I ask

"Surprise?" He says it sounding more of a question than a answer

I shake my head no "I hate surprises Mendoza" he chuckles

"Okay well I was thinking we go see a movie then have dinner or something" I nod

So we turn right then started walking to the movie theatre

We made small talk with each other on the way

Am the whole walk there I couldn't help myself and so I had a giddy smile plastered on my face the whole time

As we walked up to the booth where you get tickets I offered to pay

Luis insisted he paid so I let him and he bought two tickets for a rom com

I was happy because I liked rom-coms

We went into the theatre and we got some popcorn and drinks

After Luis paid for those as well we went into our movie room

We decided to sit in one of the last rows of the theatre near the back

We talked about life mostly centered around hockey until the lights dimmed

The commercials started playing So like usual

I started making jokes about the commercials playing

Luis didn't quite get the jokes and I remembered that he wasn't Adam

"Ooo the movies starting" I tapped his leg and he turned his focus to the movie

**time skip**

It was about half way through the movie

Me and Luis hadn't really talked or even looked at each other most of the movie

But for some reason every so often I felt like he was staring at me

Of course though whenever I looked he was staring at the screen

So I just brushed off the feeling and told myself I wasn't just imagining it

I was intently watching the movie as it played out

I felt a hand on my thigh and turned to see Luis

I felt my face go red and I was very thankful we were in a pitch black room

I look back at the screen until Luis turns my head to look at him with two of his fingers

He leans in and before I realized what I was doing

I stopped him as they play a funny scene

"Wait" I whispered

He leaned back in his chair after that and looked sort of embarrassed from what I could see

I glanced at him every few minutes and he was just staring at the screen and he looked almost like he wanted to leave

He was leaned forward and tapping his foot

He kept looking at the watch that was on his wrist checking the time again and again and again

When the credits started rolling I felt my chest grow a little lighter

Luis walked out of the row and held his hand out which I took

We walked through the people and out of the room holding hands

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach appearing as he kept holding my hand

We finally made it out of the movie theatre and he looked down at our hands quickly pulling his hand away

"Oh sorry" he apologized and his face went a little red as he looked at the ground

"It's ok I quite liked it" I smiled and he looked up and gave me a smile

"Where to next?" I ask as we walked down the sidewalk

"Do you want to go home it's getting kind of late?" He asks looking at his watch once again

I nod and smile but I was a little disappointed that the date was ending

Even though I did make a fool of myself earlier I was still having fun

We started heading to my house when we walked on a faulty sidewalk

I knew to lift my feet since one of the devotions was higher than the rest

But luis didn't and he faceplanted

I try helping him up and containing my laugh

But I failed and let out a few snickers which turned into laughter

I didn't mean to laugh but it was funny

He brushed himself off he was clearly embarrassed and me laughing at him didn't help one bit

After that we didn't talk for the rest of the walk

After what felt like forever we made it to my house

We both walked up my porch steps and stood a little awkward facing eachother

"Well good bye y/n I had a nice night" he smiles and I return the gesture

"Good night" I then quickly pecked his cheek before quickly darting into my house closing the door behind me

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