Pt.5 drunken dads

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As soon as I closed my front door I slid my back down the door embarrassed

"Y/n?" Adam speaks quietly

"Hey Adam" I get up and walk into the kitchen

"Was the date that bad?" He chuckles and i side eye him

"It was the worst one of my life!" I complained

"What happened princess that made it so bad?" He smirks

I try and ignore the butterflies that appeared in my stomach hearing the nickname

"Okay first we went to the movie theatre and he picked a rom com movie right?" He nods

"And you know how I watch those so I was intently watching the movie and he leans in around halfway through the movie to kiss me" he nods

"And do you know what I did? I pushed this man away!" I exclaim Almost yelling

"Ohh that had to hurt his ego" Adam fake winces and laughs

"Okay that's just the start after that whole thing we sat awkwardly until the movie finished then as we walked back here he tripped on that faulty sidewalk and I laughed at him!" Adam starts stifling his laugh but fails

"I felt so bad Adam like ugh!" I spin in a circle in frustration

"So I'm guessing your not going to go on a second date?" He almost sounded hopeful

"No well I don't know if it goes like that then no"

"Okay.. can I stay the night tonight?" He asked quietly

"Yeah when have I ever said no?" He nods

"Touché" he hops off the counter he was sitting on

"Hey where's all the snacks" he questioned confused

"What ugh! My mom has been going through this phase I guess we have to go get some" I huff in annoyance

"Ok do you want to walk to the corner store?" He suggested and I agreed

"Yeah just give me a minute I'm going to change out of this" he says okay

I run up to my room and grab a pair of pj pants and a sweatshirt

I changed into them then walked back downstairs

"Okay let's go" I tell Adam as he was sitting in the living room on his phone

"K you got money?" I shake my head yes

"Okay i do to" I smile and he opens the door for me

"Adam! Get your ass over here!" We turn our heads to see adams drunk dad

His dad starts marching towards us continuously making a bunch of comments while stumbling

"Run" i whisper and we both book it down the street

I hear his dads hollers get fainter and fainter until I can't hear them

I started laughing as we both started slowing down turning a corner

"Now I definitely can't go home tonight" Adam joked

"Why was he so mad though?" I say laughing a little

"Beats me it seems he's always mad now especially when he's drunk" I agree with him

"Hey maybe next time we should steal some of his beer for ourselves" i smiled

"Yeah we have to add that to the bucket list" we continued walking for about five minutes

We made it to the corner store which was really just the gas station right by our houses

We walk in and I greet the night clerk that we had seen many a times

"Hey jerry" I smiled and waved

"Hey y/n and Adam back again?" He jokes and we chuckle

I go straight to the chip aisle pick my favourite chips and Adam grabs his

As I was deciding if I wanted a slushy or not I hear the store bell ring

I turn and see Luis

I duck behind the counter not wanting Luis to see me looking like this

"What are you-oh" Adam sees Luis

He turns to look down at me then looks back at Luis

"Don't you dare cake eater!" I whisper yell and he smirks

"Hey Luis buddy how ya doing tonight" Adam beams walking up to Luis

"Why why why!" I mutter to myself

"Hey Adam I'm okay you?" They started talking

"Good good oh how was the date?" That peaked my interest

"It was horrible man! We went to the theatres and started watching a rom com movie"

"About halfway through the movie I make my move and lean in to kiss her but! She posted me away to focus on the movie, then we were walking back and I tripped on a dumb sidewalk and she laughed at me!" He started rambling and complaining about our date

"Aw man well did anything good happen?" Adam asks stalling him at least I hope he was

I started thinking about what I was going to do

I mean should I stay here or go into one of the aisles

But what if Luis sees me and knows I was hiding from him

I listened to the conversation for a few more seconds before I make my decision

826 words

Cake eaters girlWhere stories live. Discover now