You were a hawk well that was before you had to be put on the ducks team but it was all better because cake eater was switching with you
Girl Idek I might scrap this but I keep thinking of a bunch of different stories I want to do
It's been two weeks since me and Adam switched hockey teams
The ducks surprisingly weren't as bad as I thought they were
Connie Julie and I have started becoming better friends
which is nice since they were the only girls on the team
Me and Luis did finally plan a day for our date
It was tonight he was going to pick me up from my house at 6
And I know I have only known him for two weeks but I am really excited about the date
Julie and Connie were over and were helping me pick a outfit
But I couldn't find anything and I didn't know what to wear
So I started to get stressed because I don't respond well being under pressure
"Should I wear a dress? And if so do I wear a tight dress with heels? But then what if we do a lot of walking and the heels start hurting my feet? Then I could wear a flowy dress and no heels but it might get cold with a dress on in general so then do I wear a shirt and pants instead? But what pants do I wear like do I wear sweats? No, should I wear leggings jeans? Or what if that's to casual? And also do I wear a t-shirt tank top sweater blouse sweatshirt?" I was pacing back and forth
"Y/n why are you so stressed?" Julie asks and I give her a death glare
"I don't do well under pressure okay" I tell her plainly
"Here go in between wear a shirt with a skirt" Connie suggests
"Okay but what shirt and what skirt?" I ask scanning my closet
I didn't have many skirts but I still had a few
some were long maxi skirts and others were skirts that reached my mid thigh
"Here how about these" Connie soggested
She threw me a black skirt, red long sleeved shirt and some black tights
Like this:
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"Oo ok let me go out then on" I walk into my bathroom and slip the clothes on
I checked myself in the mirror quickly before returning to my room
"I like it" I admit
"See! Nothing to worry about" Julie says
"Okay now shoes, do I wear my docs or converse?" I hold up both shoes
"Docs" they respond in unison
probably because my converse look like they were mauled since they are so old
I then hear my front doorbell ring then the front door open
"Who could that be?" I ask knowing luis wouldn't walk in
"Sled?" I hear adams voice call for me
"Yea?" I say walking down the stairs with Julie and Connie following
"Woah why are you dressed up?" Adam looks at my clothes scanning my body
"She isn't that dressed up banks" Connie comments
"Yeah but she usually wears sweat pants and sweat shirts" he points out
This was true I never liked wearing tight pants and usually wore sweat pants or baggy jeans
And I also usually wore sweatshirts over my shirts because I got cold easy
"Anyways what are you doing here cake eater?" I ask as we all walk into the living room
We all sit down on my couch Julie on the edge with Connie beside her
And I was beside Connie leaning my back against her shoulder as I had my legs laid across adams lap
"My parents are home" he simply states
"Oh okay well I'm going to be leaving soon" I tell him and he nods
"Okay where's jack and Becky?" He was talking about my mom and dad
My parents hated being called Mr or Mrs for whatever reason
They liked my friends calling them by their first names instead
As well as Adam is basically their second child
he probably could call them mom and dad and my parents wouldn't be phased
"Work" i roll my eyes
"Are you going to stay here Adam?" I question
"Yeah I don't want to deal with my dad right now because he's pissed" I chuckle
"What happened this time?" I give a smirk
"I had a 78% on my last science test" I laugh
"I barely even get in the 80s on my whole grade why is he mad?" Julie jokes
"I actually don't know why" he says smiling and I nod
Just then I hear the doorbell ring and I jolt up
I walk giddily to the front door and flatten my skirt making sure I look nice