Pt.11 its a different jersey

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**time skip**
Y/n pov
Today was our first game well the first since me and Adam joined the team

I woke up around 8 AM and started getting ready

I made sure I had everything like my jersey and skates in my hockey bag

So after putting all that in my bag I put the bag at my front door

Along with my hockey stick before getting changed

After I was dressed I put my hair into I loose braid then ate some food

By the time I had eaten changed packed and was ready it was already 9:10

so I started heading over to Adams house so we could walk together

"Adam come on we have a game today!" I yelled basically banging on his front door

He hadn't answered and I was getting a little worried

"Ok okay!" He complained after finally opening the door

"Finally I've been waiting forever!" I exclaimed exaggerating and he rolled his eyes playfully

We got to the rink and headed straight to the change rooms

Most of the team had already gotten changed

They just started warming up and coach Bombay ushered us to hurry up

We both got dressed and into our gear but we stopped before putting our jerseys on

"First game it's not a hawks jersey" he muttered

"Yeah it feels weird" I say then slip the jersey on

"Let's go" I smiled at him

as we walked out of the change rooms and onto the ice rink

We started warming up like usual doing laps, shooting drills, passing drills

I was a little nervous about the game since we were going against the hawks

"Hey sled!" I heard from behind me

I turned and squinted a little before seeing Jess waving at me

Jess was one of the only girls who was on the hawks team

We both had become good friends especially since we had play together for years

We still talked even though we weren't playing hockey together anymore

But we hadn't talked a lot since me and Adam moved teams

The talking was mostly in school halls or in class for a project

So I was very happy hearing and seeing her after a while

We skated to each other and greeted one another

"Hey don't go easy on me?" I joked as we stood in front of each other

"Never! Just you don't go easy on me either okay?" She joked and we laughed slightly

"I won't Jess hey I gotta get back but uh good luck" I stick my hand out

She shakes it saying "good luck sled"

We parted ways and when I made it back to the team Adam was already asking questions

"What was she saying?" I just chuckled

"Just wishing me luck it's fine Adam" I reassured as he kept glancing at the hawks team

It was definitely not going to be a fun game

All the hawks knew me and Adam we'd all been friends for years

They knew us personally and on the ice

They knew our strengths weaknesses everything and I'm sure they'd use it against us

I know Jess wouldn't but the rest weren't the nicest people to say the least

Coach Bombay rounded the ducks up at the bench to do a cheer

Instead of the normal 'win win win' cheer we did a quacks getting louder and louder before yelling

I sat on the bench as everyone got into their places on and off the ice

Adam was doing the face off with a new most likely replacement player

I waited and watched as the puck dropped and the game started

Adam got the puck swiftly skating and then passing it to Charlie

They continued skating down the rink before Charlie made it to the goal he passed it to adam who scored

All the ducks stood cheering and I watched Luis not be able to stop skating

So he slammed into the boards and I couldn't help but laugh

He got up and acted like nothing happened which made me laugh even more

But I think I was the only one who noticed he fell

Since everyone was more focusing on Adam getting a goal

Adam came skating past the bench while me and the rest of the ducks gave him high fives as he passed us

before he skated away to get ready for the next face off

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