Pt.13 the kiss

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me and a few others hopped the bench wall to go congratulate Adam

I embraced him with a hug and the others came piling on

which turned from a group hug to us all falling into a dog pile very quickly

we helped each other up and started cheering again and I took a glance at the hawks

most kept their heads down and the coach was having a fit being upset

I tried not paying attention to them instead me and the rest of the ducks started skating off the ice

as we did we all were chanting 'ducks!, ducks!' And smiling as we headed to the change rooms

I was about to walk into the change room when I feel a hand on my arm stopping me

I turn my head around to see a smiling Adam

"good job with that goal cake eater you won the game for us" I told him smiling

he stepped closer and was smirking

"hm now since I won the game how about that kiss you owe me?" I chuckled at his comment

"I don't know, I don't think you really want it" I smirked and he laughed a little

Adam started talking about how he did want it until I cut him off

"Adam!" I said impatient

"Yeah" he looked confused

"I was joking just shut up and kiss me!" He beamed at my statement

Before he could respond I stopped him by crashing my lips against his

he deepened the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck

he wrapped his around my waist pulling my body closer to his

"hey guys look!" I heard a familiar voice yell

but i didnt pay much attention to it because I was more focused on how I was kissing god damn Adam banks!

as we pull away from the kiss to catch our breaths I hear cheers from the side

both me and Adam look over to see the whole team staring at us and cheering us on

I scanned the ducks and all of them were smiling except one


He look absolutely pissed that me and Adam had kissed but I don't know why

I mean we weren't dating and we didn't ever date so why is he jealous?

"hey you owe me $15!" Averman yelled pointing at everyone

I gave a puzzled look scrunching my eyebrows and tilting my head slightly

"did you guys bet on if we would kiss" Adam asks before I can form any words

"Averman bet us all you two would kiss by the first month of being on the ducks team but we all called bluff"
Charlie piped up explaining

I laughed as I watched all of them searching their bags and pockets

all just barely getting $15 each and giving it all to Averman

He had the cheesiest and the grin plastered onto his face

That I have ever seen after receiving all the money

both me and Adam push past the ducks

While going into the change room since we hadn't changed yet

I got changed quite quickly and when I turned around I saw Adam shirtless

he had some fine ass abs and I didn't realize I was staring until I heard Adam laugh

"like what you see princess?" he chuckled stepping closer to me

"maybe" I smiled acting like I didn't just stare at his abs for a solid 2 minutes

he stepped back to his bag as he grabs his shirt and slips it on with ease

I stood waiting for him as he packed all of his gear back into his hockey bag

before turning to me And scratching the back of his neck

almost looking like he was embarrassed

"Adam what are you going to say?" I ask knowing he's going to ask me something

"Did you enjoy the kiss?" I feel my face go a little red

"Y-y-yeah your a good kisser" I blurt out trying to control my stutter

"Did you want to kiss me?" He questions quietly

"Yes, did you want to kiss me because you like me Adam?" I got straight to the point

"Yes, did you want to kiss me for the same reason?" I didn't say yes I just nodded

"Y/n would you like to be my girlfriend?" I feel butterflies doing frontflips in my stomach

As I start smiling "yes Adam" I giggled slightly in response

and before he can respond I kiss him again

We both grow deeper into the kiss as our lips move in sync with each other's

I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist like before

We continued kissing for at least a few minutes turning it into a make out session

Until I heard someone clearing their throat which caught my attention

I pulled away from Adam twisting my head to see coach Bombay

He had his arms crossed tapping his foot while having a disappointed look

"Not the place" he talked sternly walking past us

"Sorry sorry coach we were just leaving uh see you at practice!" I yelled frantically

I picked my bag up and so did Adam along with our hockey sticks

I look over at Adam before grabbing his hand

Then I started dragging him out of the change room

I then continued dragging him until we were in the parking lot

"That was fun" Adam exhaled and I playfully punched his arm

"That was embarrassing!" I said dramatic

Adam laughs and I laugh with him till we both started walking home

every second of the walk home I felt butterflies in my stomach

because Adam never pulled his hand away from mine since we started walking

958 words

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