Chapter 1: Hello Again

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Antonnia POV

        I was sitting in one of the private rooms of this hotel, patiently waiting for the person whom I did not see for 3 months. I was nervous, not knowing what my reaction would be when I will see  her. I did not know why I have to agree on this situation when her brother asked me last week to participate in his school project and here I am trying to convince myself that I was only lending a hand.

  I checked the time on my phone,agreeing to meet them after lunch, but they told me that they will be late for some reason. Silence is so loud that leads me to overthink.

What if she was still angry with me? What if there is still resentment lingering on her? How should I act in front of her?.

" Dammit Anntonia, ang OA mo" thinking inwardly. "Naka move on na ung tao". My musing was broken, made me a little jump when I heard knocks on the door.

" Ate Ann, andito na po kami"  It was her brother's voice , Abe.  I stand up,walking to the door, every step is rhythmically hearing the loud thud of my heartbeat.

"Ate Ann, long time no see. Sorry for being late and Thank you very much I agree with this project." He embraced me  warmly like the old times. He had 2 companions, maybe his project mates. My eyes are busily searching for the certain person behind them.

" You're welcome Abe. Ikaw pa, malakas ka sa akin" I said when we broke our embrace.

" Siya nga pala Ate, This is Max and Rhian, my group mates. Rhi, Max, this is my favorite ate, Antonnia. Siya ung lagi kong kwinekwento sa inyo.

"Aahh, siya pala un. Abe is right, your gorgeous" as they nod their head while saying those words.

I furrowed my eyebrows for their remarks, squinting my eyes to Abe, feeling the warmth crept on my face as I was blushing.

" Thank you. Nice to meet you guys . Come on in. Kayo lang?" I asked, still trying to gaze behind them as if I was looking for someone.

"Oh right, nasa parking lang si Mich, may biglang phonecall so pinauna nya na lang kami dito." Abe said while we are walking towards the sofa.

"Have you eaten your lunch?" Abe asked

  "Yeah" I nodded my head

" Pwede na po ba kaming mag set up here, so that we can start immediately? I know you're busy person, but thank you really for lending your time"

" Ano ka ba, Abe, tama na yang pa thank you mo, sige ka baka mag pabayad ako" I said in a jokingly manner.

"Ok po, actually kay Mich kami nag woworied. She barely accepts this proposal. Wala lang syang magawa kasi kapatid nya ako" he chuckled while they were putting their camera and equipment out.

I don't know how to react to this information. All I know is that she was hesitant to meet me at all. I excuse myself, going to the restroom. I look at the mirror, mind setting myself to mask any nervousness I felt.

As I went, outside, I could see her already sitting on the couch comfortably. Her eyes were busy on her phone. Her old long hair had been trimmed to short ones. I can feel my heart beat fast, as her brown eyes meet mine when she looks up.


"Hey" as we say at the same time. I do not know how to react. I silently went to the far side of the couch to sit. I can feel the awkwardness between us. I reach my phone in my bag, acting reading something, scrolling in my social media but I have alerted all my senses. I can see on the corner of my eye that she was still on her phone, busily typing on her phone.

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