Chapter 8: What are we?

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Michelle PoV

Antonnia and I sat across from each other at an Italian bistro, the one where we had shared countless meals during our four-year relationship. The cozy atmosphere, with its checkered tablecloths and soft, romantic lighting, had always felt like our own little sanctuary. Today, it seemed to hum with a renewed sense of possibility.

Antonnia, with her auburn hair falling in loose waves around her shoulders, looked radiant. She wore a soft, floral dress that I remembered fondly; it was the one she had worn on our first anniversary. I wore a simple yet elegant outfit-a navy blouse paired with black jeans-that reflected my understated style.I couldn't help but smile every time our gazes met.

Our conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared memories. We reminisced about our favorite trips, the silly inside jokes, and the small moments that had defined our time together. Each story seemed to bridge the gap that had formed during our months apart, reminding us of the deep connection we still shared.

As lunch progressed, our playful banter turned more heartfelt. Antonnia reached across the table, her fingers gently brushing my hand. "I've missed this," she confessed, her voice soft but steady. "I've missed us."

My eyes softened, and I squeezed her hand gently. "Me too, Ann. More than I can say."


Antonnia POV

I fidgeted slightly, tracing patterns on the wooden table with my fingers as I gathered the courage to ask the question that had been on my mind.

Michelle, with her dark hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, looked calm and composed. She sipped her latte and glanced at me, sensing my hesitation. Her eyes, warm and curious, invited me to speak.

I cleared my throat, my voice tentative but sincere. "So, Michelle, what have you been up to? I mean, during this time...... we weren't together?"

Michelle set her cup down and leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

"Well," she began, her voice steady and reflective, "I kept myself pretty busy. I started enrolling and taking law classes, which have been amazing. I also joined a motorbike club and met some incredible riders. Though I was planning to have a part time job.

I nodded, my interest piqued. "That sounds great. I've always admired how you dive into new things."

Michelle smiled, appreciating the compliment. "Thanks, Ann. I also spent a lot of time reconnecting with old friends and making some new ones. It felt good to rediscover parts of myself that I had put on hold."

My eyes softened, and I leaned in a bit closer. "I'm glad to hear that, It sounds like you found a lot of joy and growth during that time."

Michelle nodded, her smile widening. "I did. But I've also thought a lot about us and the good times we had. It's been a journey, figuring out what I want and who I am."

"Sorry, but I cant help myself to ask, do you... Do you have new.. I mean someone..."

Michelle shook her head "No, Ann. Well if you are talking about the phone call and my baby when we are having the interview, actually, she is my niece"

I felt a mix of emotions-relief, admiration, and a twinge of longing. I reached out, her hand hovering for a moment before she gently placed it over hers. "I'm really glad we can talk like this. It means a lot to me."

My eyes met her, and in that moment, there was a mutual understanding, a recognition of our shared history and the possibilities that lay ahead. The conversation about our time apart had brought us a step closer, paving the way for whatever came next.

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