Chapter 12: Do you have a Fever?

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I couldn't take my eyes off Antonnia as she sat at her desk, completely absorbed in her work. To me, she seemed to move in slow motion, each gesture delicate and graceful. There was a certain serenity about her that I found captivating, and I couldn't help but smile as I watched her.

My smile faded away when I remembered the video of our interview


I came home late one evening, exhausted from a long day. As I entered my room and dropped my bag on the floor, something on my desk caught my eye—a USB drive. Curious, I picked it up and noticed a label that read "Michelle & Anntonia: Love Interview."

I sat down at my computer, plugged in the USB, and opened the file. The video started playing, showing Anntonia sitting in a cozy, well-lit room, speaking candidly about our relationship. I leaned in closer, captivated by her words.

Anntonia's voice filled the room, the video continued, and she talked about our milestones. "Our first kiss, our first night together, even the moment we confessed our love—I initiated all of it. Sometimes I wonder if Michelle ever wanted to make the first move but held back ."

My heart ached as I listened. I hadn't realized how much she had been carrying those thoughts. I had always wanted to respect her pace and not pressure her, but I hadn't considered how my actions might have made her feel.

Anntonia's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she continued. "I love Michelle deeply, but sometimes I worry that I'm the only one putting in the effort. I know she cares, but I just wish she would show it more, take the lead sometimes. It's a constant worry in the back of my mind."

I paused the video, running a hand through my hair. I felt a surge of emotions—regret, love, and a deep desire to reassure her that I was just as committed to our relationship.

As I continued watching the video, Anntonia's expression grew more somber. She took a deep breath before speaking again, her voice filled with emotion.

"I backed out of our engagement because I found out that Michelle had plans to work in New York City with her father. I thought she was being pressured to marry me because I had told her that my dream was to get married after graduation."

My eyes widened in surprise. I hadn't known that she had discovered my plans before I could explain them to her. I listened intently as she continued.

"I felt like I was trapping her, like I was making her choose between her dreams and me. I couldn't bear the thought of holding her back or making her feel obligated to marry me because of my dreams. So, I made the difficult decision to call off the engagement, hoping she would pursue her own path."

I felt a deep pang of regret. I had never intended to make her feel like she was trapping me. In my heart, I had wanted to balance both my dreams and our relationship, but I realized now that I had failed to communicate that to her.



Michelle POV

Antonnia and I were cuddled up on the couch, watching a romantic movie that was quickly turning tragic. The room was dimly lit, and the flickering light from the TV cast a soft glow on our faces. As the movie reached its heartbreaking conclusion, Antonnia couldn't hold back her tears. She sniffled quietly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

I noticed her distress and gently wrapped my arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. "Hey, it's just a movie," I said softly, trying to comfort her.

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