Chapter 2: Can I Have This Dance?

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" Can we talk?" I asked Michelle

"Okay, how are you Anntonia?" as she answered as she sits in the far corner of the couch

"I'm fine, I have a new job, in Makati actually, after our graduation"

"Wow, congratulations"

And then there was silence

"And you? How about you?" I said as I was too curious enough as she was not planning on divulging her present events.

"Me? Still here, breathing, after you, you know"

" Look, Michelle, I know that you are still mad at me but.."

"No, I am not mad at you" she smiled at me

"But, Abe told me that you are hesitant to meet me"

"I never say to him that , I just want you not to be comfortable in this scenario"

"So are we okay Mich?"

"Yes, totally, no bad blood" as she nodded her head.

I stare at her. Assessing if she is saying the truth. Her attention again is on her cellphone. I don't know if I will be happy that shes not mad at me or sad because she has been moving on

Ang bilis naman nitong mag move on. Baka may jowa na nga

"I'm sorry Mich" I quietly mumble

"For what Antonnia? she asked as she looked at me.

I don't know why I feel annoyed in the way she pronounces my name. It feels like we are strangers again.

"I am sorry, I feel like it was the right choice at that time. I want you to know that..."

"Hey were back" as Abe's voice echoed in the room.

I closed my eyes for the sudden interruption. When I opened my eyes, I noticed but not sure that Michelle stared daggers on Abe or it was only a figment in my imagination.

I shake my head.

"Wow Jollibee! My favorite" Michelle said in cheerily tone as she eyed the paper bag. "Here, Anntonnia, try this, this are my favorite" as she handed the fries, spaghetti and buko pie.

" Thank you"

After we ate, we resumed the interview

Abe: For 4 years, what are your favorite moments of each other.

Michelle: ( she smiles widely) For me when she becomes silly and petty on small things.


Michelle POv

In the first 6 months of our relationship was not smooth like a calm sea. There were eyes who were always staring, mouths whispering and gossiping all around us.

" Dont mind them, Mich, always focus on me" Ann said as we are hand on hand walking, noticing my sudden discomfort. She squeezed my hand assuring that everything is alright.

"May I ask why do you like me? I mean, I know that you dated many boys and you have been known for being notorious for being a playgirl." as we sat on the bench admiring the green scenery

"Yes, I have dated many of them, After years of getting tons of male attention, a funny thing can happen. I get used to it, and honestly, start to enjoy it. Who wouldn't? Being asked out and flirted with on the daily would boost anyone's ego, and so it's natural to like being pursued. For that reason, I may keep dating lots of guys simply because the early stages of dating are fun. But please believe that I've tried to be serious about them but I don't know, i feel like something is missing."

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