Chapter 5: Be Careful Next Time

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"Ate Ann, I've already sent you a copy"

I just sent a message to Abe notifying him I already received the copy.

"Thank you Abe"

I grabbed my laptop to check the video but then  my mind was shouting not to watch it  because it will only trigger my feelings to her.

I closed it and returned it my bag.

Instead, I grabbed my phone to check my IG. There were notification from Chris post. When I opened it I saw a picture with Michelle riding a Motorbike. Michelle has always been an adrenaline junkie but seldom used her motor when I told her to minimize riding it.

Michelle even left a comment "good to be back".

Still worrying about her for being adventurous, I made a IG story lowkey pertaining to her "just be careful"

Michelle still follows me IG and that's one good trait of her not harboring anger at someone.

Two weeks passed but still she did not have the courage to watch it. Her days are still the same, going the same routine, going to her work early, back to their home late and sometimes having a friendly dates with her friends.

One night, when she comes home her mother greeted her, engulfing her in embrace as she saw her tired eyes.

"I know what are you doing Ann. Stop abusing your body."

"What do you mean mom?"

"To make you forget Michelle, you exhausting your time in your work"

"No, thats not true" I say "It is normal, mom because I'm a newbie, a fresh grad so I should display my hardworking for them" denying her allegations.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah Mom, thank you but stop worrying and it has nothing to do with Michelle. Okay?" assuring her.

"Speaking of Michelle, I want to invite her in my birthday if you allow it ofcourse."

She raised her eyebrow " Of course Mom, I have nothing against whom you should invite, it's your birthday after all"

Her mom was a fan of Michelle.To her she was a one perfect daughter-kind,intelligent and understanding. She never forgets to give her a birthday gift every year.

She smile widely. "Thank you. Go, have a rest"

Before she enter her room, she called the attention her mom.

"Ahm, Mom, Can I have request?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Can you teach me how to cook Adobo? I want to prepare it in your birthday."

"Whenever you ready."


Fastforward (Birthday Celebration)

"Did you confirm if she's coming Mom? She asked her mother for the nth time.

"Yeah, read it here. I told her to come before 7pm for a dinner"

She checks the time,it is past seven o'clock. It is unusual for Michelle to be late, she always on time and if shes late she will inform her companions.

"Relax, Ann. Maybe, shes close." Chris says to comfort her.

After a while someone honked infront of their house. She accompany her mom to see whats happening when they saw Michelle with Abe. Her one hand was casted and strapped in her shoulder.

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