Chapter 6: Happy Without Me

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I recommend to listen/read the lyrics above before reading this chapter to set your mood

Michelle POV

As dawn breaks, the soft light of the early morning seeps into the bedroom, casting a gentle glow over everything. She awakens slowly, feeling the warmth and safety of Antonnia's embrace. Her arms are wrapped around her, holding her close, her breath soft and steady against the back of her neck.

For a few moments, she remains still, savoring the intimacy and comfort of the moment. She can feel her heartbeat, steady and reassuring, and it tugs at her heart knowing she has to leave soon.

Carefully, she begins to disentangle herself from her embrace, moving as quietly as she can to avoid waking her. Her arms tighten slightly, as if sensing her departure even in her sleep, and she pauses, feeling a pang of guilt and sadness. She looks at her peaceful face, tracing the lines she has come to love so deeply.

Biting her lip, she fights the urge to wake her for a proper goodbye, knowing it would only make leaving harder. Instead, she gently places a soft kiss on her forehead, letting her lips linger for a moment, hoping she feels the depth of her love even in her dreams.

Slowly, she slips out of bed, careful not to disturb her. She dresses quietly, each movement precise and deliberate to maintain the silence. Before she leaves the room, she writes a quick note, pouring her heart into a one short line, and places it on her pillow where she had been lying moments before.

Thank you.-MMD

With one last look, she takes a deep breath, with a heavy heart, she steps out of the room, closing the door softly behind her.

Antonnia POV

As the morning light filtered through the curtains, she awoke, reaching out for the warmth of Michelle, only to find an empty space beside her. Disappointment settled in her chest like a heavy stone, as the reality of her absence sunk in, shrouding her in a sense of loneliness and longing. Her gaze fell upon the neatly folded piece of paper on the pillow.

Confusion furrowed her brow as she read the words

"Thank you-MMD"

Scribbled in her ex lover's handwriting. Despite the simplicity of the message, its depth eluded her, leaving her puzzled and unsure of how to interpret the sentiment behind it.

As she entered the kitchen, her eyes were still heavy with sleep, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered from her dreams. Turning to her mother, she asked with a hint of urgency,

"Did you see her leave? Did she go home?"

Her mother's gentle shake of the head only deepened her sense of worry, leaving her heart heavy.

Sitting with her phone in hand, she felt the urge to send her message. Yet, a wave of uncertainty held her back, the fear of vulnerability and rejection outweighed her desire for connection. With a sigh, she set her phone down, silently wrestling with the turmoil of unspoken words and unshared emotions.

With each passing day, her sadness deepened, like a heavy fog enveloping her heart. Two weeks had slipped by without a trace of her, not even a flicker of activity on social media. The silence weighed heavily on her, casting doubt and fear over their relationship. Despite her efforts to maintain hope, the absence gnawed at her, leaving her feeling lost and alone in a digital landscape once filled with their shared moments.

She arrived at work, her usual confident demeanor replaced by distracted air. Thoughts of her whereabouts consumed her mind, leaving her unable to focus on her tasks. Colleagues noticed the change, commenting on her subdued demeanor, but she offered only vague responses, "I'm okay, just tired",her thoughts elsewhere as she struggled to shake off the uncertainty gnawing at her heart.

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