Chapter 10: Take my Chance

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Michelle POV

In a flashback to a few days earlier, I was sitting with Celeste during a break at class. I looked troubled, my thoughts preoccupied with my relationship with Antonnia. Sensing I need to talk, Celeste put her phone down and turned to me.

Michelle, you seem off. Is everything okay?" She asked, her tone gentle and concerned.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "It's about Antonnia. Our relationship... it's just so complicated right now."

Celeste nodded, encouraging me to continue. "Complicated how? Do you want to talk about it?"

I took a deep breath and began to explain." Our relationship has been so complicated lately. We have so much history, and it's been hard to navigate where we stand now. I want us to move forward and be happy, but there are so many emotions and unresolved feelings. I just hope we can really make it work this time."

Celeste placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "It sounds like you both are committed to trying, and that's a good start. Just take it one step at a time, communicate openly, and be patient with each other."

I nodded, feeling the weight of my emotions. "Exactly. I want us to move forward and be happy, but there are so many unresolved feelings. It's hard to know where to start."

"It sounds like you both need to have some honest conversations. Communication is key, and you need to be patient with each other. If you both want to make it work, you'll find a way."

I smiled, feeling a bit lighter after sharing my thoughts. "Thanks, Celeste. I appreciate your advice and support."

Celeste returned the smile. "Anytime, Michelle. I'm here for you . I hope things work out."

Few days earlier

Celeste was determined to help Michelle find a part-time job. She knew her uncle's company was a good place to start, even though he wasn't actively looking for new part-timers. She approached her uncle in his office, her expression serious and resolute.

"Uncle, I need a favor," Celeste began.

Her uncle looked up from his paperwork, curious. "What is it, Celes?"

"I have a friend, Michelle, who really needs a part-time job. She's reliable and hard-working. I know you're not looking for anyone right now, but could you make an exception for her?" she asked earnestly.

Her uncle considered for a moment before nodding. "Alright, if you vouch for her, I'll give her a chance. But she better not let me down."

Celeste beamed with gratitude. "Thank you so much, Uncle! She won't disappoint you."

As Celeste was leaving her uncle's office, she spotted Antonnia walking down the hallway. An idea struck her, and she quickly turned back to her uncle.

"Actually, Uncle, there's one more person I think would be great for a part-time position here.  She's incredibly diligent and smart.

"Me" she thinks inwardly

I really think she'd be a great addition," Celeste added, thinking on her feet.

Her uncle raised an eyebrow, a bit skeptical. "Two recommendations in one day? You must really believe in these people."

She nodded earnestly. "I do. I think they'd both be excellent additions to the team."

After a moment of consideration, her uncle sighed. "Alright, Celes. I'll trust your judgment. We'll bring them both on board."

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