Chapter 13: Good at Running Away

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Antonnia POV

For the past few days, Michelle and I relationship had grown stronger and more harmonious. We enjoyed our time together, cherishing every moment and working through our issues with newfound understanding and love.

One day, I suggested having dinner together again, eager to continue nurturing our bond. Michelle smiled at the idea but informed me of a prior commitment.

"I need to meet Celeste first for something," she explained. "But you can follow us to the restaurant. We'll have dinner there."

I nodded, understanding. "Sure, I'll meet you both there."

Later, as I made my way to the  restaurant, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about what they were discussing. When I arrived, I saw them seated at a table, engrossed in conversation.

I noticed Celeste in tears and Michelle comforting her with a warm embrace. The sight sent a wave of jealousy and hurt through me, and without waiting to hear any explanation, I turned on my heel and hurried away.

"Babe, wait!" Michelle called out, noticing my retreating figure. She quickly followed me, catching up just as I reached the building's exit.

"Babe, please, let me explain," Michelle said, trying to catch her breath. "I was only comforting Celeste. She's going through a tough time."

I shook my head, my eyes filled with pain. "I don't want to hear it, Michelle. You always have an explanation, but I can't keep doing this."

Michelle's patience began to wane. "Ann, you always run away without listening. I'm trying to be honest with you, but you have to give me a chance to explain."

"Maybe I'm just tired of always being second-guessing everything," I shot back, my voice trembling with emotion. "It feels like I'm never the priority."

Michelle's expression hardened, a mixture of frustration and disappointment. "If you can't trust me enough to hear me out, then maybe you should just go. You're good at running away."

I hesitated, her words cutting deep. I wanted to believe her, but my insecurities and jealousy clouded my judgment. Without another word, I turned and walked away, my heart heavy with confusion and regret.

Michelle POV

I watched her go, feeling a mix of anger and sadness. I wanted to chase after her, to make her understand, but i knew that she needed time to process her feelings. All she could do was hope that she would come back, ready to listen and work through our issues together.


Antonnia POV

I went home, tears streaming down my face. My mother, noticing my distress, approached me with concern. " Sweetheart, why are you crying? What happened?"

Through my sobs, I recounted the whole story, from seeing Michelle comforting Celeste to our heated exchange. "I love Michelle so much, Mom, but I don't understand why I keep feeling like I need to run away. It's like I can't trust her fully, and it's tearing me apart."

My mother listened patiently, her expression gentle and understanding. "Ann, it's clear that you have strong feelings for her, but it sounds like there's a lot of unresolved trust and insecurity issues between you two. Running away won't solve anything. You need to confront these feelings head-on and talk them through with Michelle."

I sniffled, wiping my tears. "I know, but it's so hard. Every time I see something that makes me doubt, my first instinct is to protect myself by running away."

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