Chapter 7: I Want You

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In the quiet intimacy of the night, the room is bathed in the soft, warm glow of a single bedside lamp. Antonnia and Michelle lie close together on a large, inviting bed, their bodies partially covered by a light, crumpled sheet. The air is filled with a sense of anticipation and tenderness as they gaze into each other's eyes, their expressions a blend of love and desire

Antonnia gently traces her fingers along her cheek, her touch feather-light, sending shivers down Michelle's spine.She moved closer to her lover, her eyes full of longing and tenderness. Leaning in, she kissed her softly, her lips brushing against hers with a gentle urgency. As she pulled back slightly, she saw a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" Michelle asked, her voice a whisper filled with concern and care. She searched Antonnia's eyes, wanting to be certain that this was what they both desired.

"Yes," she replied softly, her voice steady and reassuring. "I want this. I want you." Her hand cupped her lover's cheek, her thumb tracing gentle circles on her skin.

The moment was intimate, charged with a mix of passion and assurance, as they both leaned into the certainty of their shared desire.

They share a soft, lingering kiss, a prelude to the deeper connection they are about to share. Their movements are slow and deliberate, each touch and kiss a silent conversation of affection and passion.

As they undress each other, their hands move with reverence, taking in the beauty of the moment and the person before them. The night is still, amplifying the sound of their breathing and the soft rustle of fabric. They explore each other's bodies with a mix of familiarity and renewed curiosity, every caress and kiss deepening their bond.

"I can't get enough of you touching me."

Their lovemaking is tender and unhurried, a dance of give and take. Michelle cups Ann's face, her eyes searching for assurance and finding it in the depths of her lover's gaze. They move together seamlessly, their bodies responding to each other's needs and desires.

"You make me so wet"

What do you want me to do to you?"

"M-Michelle. I need you inside me"

She reached on her, touching her center.

The room fills with soft whispers and quiet moans, the soundtrack of their shared intimacy.

"F-Fuck!, just like that. Fuck me harder"

They lose themselves in each other, the world outside fading away until it's just the two of them, wrapped in a cocoon of love and passion. Each touch, each kiss, is a testament to their connection, a silent vow spoken through their bodies

As the night progresses, their movements become more urgent, their need for each other grows stronger.

"Don't stop, I-I'm comingggg..."

"I want you to come"

They reach a crescendo together, their bodies trembling with the intensity of their shared climax.


In the aftermath, they hold each other close, their breathing slowly returning to normal

Lying in each other's arms, they exchange tender kisses and whispered words of love. The room is filled with a serene quiet, the night enveloping them in its gentle embrace. They drift off to sleep, their bodies entwined, hearts beating in unison, content in the knowledge that their love is as deep and enduring as the night itself.

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