Welcome to the Federation.

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"Hello! You are now a part of the Dragon Island Census Bureau. Your job is to complete any and all jobs given to you immediately to keep our island a safe and happy place for our guests. Report any events or incidents that occur to Cucurucho, your boss. He will ensure that you and or your fellow employees will have it seen to as soon as possible. Do not give any information about the Island or the Federation to any islander that you may encounter, simply continue with your work. You are not allowed to quit. You should not need to want to quit in this happy place that you are caring for and remember! Please, enjoy the island."

This is the final message that all the workers were given before being led to their offices on the island. The Federations' main location with all of the offices is underground and can only be accessed by a locked elevator that only employees and Cucurucho have a keycard to. As WA02 scans their room, they have little to no reaction to the decoration. White ceiling, white walls, a white computer on an oak desk, a bright light that illuminates the entire room, and a blue bookshelf with pointless books that they would only read if there was no work to do.

Everyone in the area feels a rumble over their heads that shakes the ground. The islanders' train had arrived. Though the employees' jobs were not to greet them, they were to check on the surprise that would be given to the islanders. A fake and planned scenario that would allow the Federation to monitor the islanders emotions. Emotions. Something the employees did not remember so which they cannot feel. That's why WA02 felt no desire to greet the islanders or curiosity as to why these tests were being ran.

The tests were organized to read the islanders' reactions to certain scenarios. The chip that was planted in their heads during their memory swipe on the train ride to the island was to monitor the information of their reactions, for what? The employees didn't know but had no desire to know, only to do their part that they volunteered for. This was how it was always going to be, do your part with no memory's at all and move on. At least, this was how it was supposed to be, until WA02 met Tubbo a few months after some new islanders had arrived...


(I have more written out so if you like this please do anything to let me know. <3)

(412 words :))

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