The First Date.

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About a month and a half later Fred visits my factories again while I'm just hanging out with Sunny. I assume Sunny knows that we like each other even though I've never talked with her about it directly. Though it was a welcomed surprise, Fred asked me out on a date right in front of her. I was happy to accept, although a little bit nervous, even though we were clearly comfortable and close with each other, we had never had an 'official date'. Obviously Sunny was a fit of giggles and commented, "I'll leave you two alone.", running off to who-knows-where. I tried to calm down my excitement by replying with a casual, "Okay. Bye popit." and turned to Fred with a slight tilt in my head, hands in my pockets.

"So did you want to just hang out? I don't think I've shown you the rest of my factory." He replied with a nod and what I assumed was a smile, I couldn't tell because he hadn't taken his mask off. I was a little upset but understood why, I had noticed Fit, Ramon, and Sunny following us around when I was showing Fred my factory, that meant Fred probably had noticed too. I didn't mind but that meant Fred wasn't comfortable enough to take off his mask, 'maybe later', I thought.

"Did you have anywhere you wanted to go?" I asked after I had given him a full tour of the area. Wherever you'd like. I'm sure you can find somewhere we'd both like :). Ugh. I thought, now I have to pick somewhere he would like and my logical side of my head is telling me he would like anywhere, my irrational side is telling me I have to overthink the perfect spot to go to with my boyfri- partner...? We haven't made anything official so what was I supposed to call him? 'Well I mean we're going on a date.' My thoughts were interrupted with a light touch on the arm from Fred and I realized I had too long of a mental spiral. I panicked for a second, still indecisive, but then the image of the mushroom island I found with Sunny pops in my mind and a smile. "How do you feel about an island getaway?" I ask and lead him to the warp plate that teleported us to the island. Fred had apparently brought a picnic blanket and for a second my life felt like a fever dream because the blanket he brought was the red and white checkered flag straight out of a movie and we were sitting on an island on a date. Needless to say I was ecstatic.

We talked about random things for a while, mostly because I was really bad and conversation starters but it was fun. Not too long after we got to the island did we hear the noise the teleporters make when someone arrives somewhere. I cringed hard as I saw Fred lookup. 'Well, so much for getting comfortable enough for me to see his smile' I thought sarcastically. I get it though, I had tried to ruin Fit and Pacs date at the movies and all Fit was doing was getting fofoca for his boyfriend, so we ignored it with a simple comment, "Just noisy teleporting birds, am I right?" I think Fred smiled and nodded.

"So, you mentioned you like to cook. Anything in particular that you're fond of baking?" He hands me a book in reply. I like making sweets and pastries. "Oh pastries, that's so cool!" I thought aloud. "I'm not very good at baking. I made hot dogs the other night for dinner though." He gave me a curious look. How did it go? I gave him a sheepish look. "It went alright. I put them in a glass container when I put them in the oven though." This time he gave a slight chuckle only I could hear and I flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah... they tasted good though."

He nodded and asked me a question. What's your favorite color? I thought for a moment before saying blue and I could see him light up a little when he realized it was his color. Blue is pretty either way but because it's his vest and hat color that just makes it better. Blue like your eyes? He commented. I blushed because I don't remember the last time I looked in a mirror, definitely before the island. "Are my eyes blue? I don't look in a mirror that often." I looked at my reflection in the still ocean water and saw blue eyes staring back at me. You should look more often, you are cute. "Oh, well...that's very kind of you." I laughed softly. Pretty blue eyes while mine are boring brown, he wrote. "I don't think brown eyes are boring at all, I think they're sweet." He seemed to light up again which I assumed meant I got him to smile and that made me happy.

"So what's your favorite color? Blue as well?" I asked with a nod to his vest. He shook his head. I like the color purple, it's my favorite to see in a flower.

I smiled at him. "That's sweet. Purple is a lovely color. And that reminds me, you mentioned you like gardening. What's your favorite flower?" He thought for a moment before writing an answer. I like all flowers but especially lilies...of any color :D What's your favorite flower? I smiled and made a mental note that he likes lilies. "Umm. Daisies are my favorite I guess." I see him write excitedly. I kept a Daisy at my office that you gave me a while ago. I blushed a bit and smiled wide. "Glad you liked the flower as well."

I lost track of time after lots of talking and me failing miserably to flirt, I finally screwed it up. I made an awful attempt to flirt and after explaining it and getting nothing but a shocked reaction from Fred, I just went silent before saying something. "I am so sorry. I was just trying to flirt but I have no idea how to do that." I looked at him sheepishly. Fred replied with a reassuring shake of his head and a book. I understand what you mean. I have no idea how to flirt either. I got overly excited for no reason. "GREAT! This is so great! Let's just be brutally, brutally to the point with each other because I don't mess with this between the lines things." I gave a little frown but then a smile and I was given back a smile but I could see it faltering and I tilted my head in curiosity.

My mind started flooding with doubts. 'Please tell me I didn't do something wrong. Please tell me he's not about to say something along the lines of he doesn't want to be with me anymore.'

But when he handed me the book he'd been writing. He looked nervous, and was apparently blushing hard enough that I could see a light pink behind his mask. And when I read the book my heart dropped in the best way possible and I'm sure my face was as red as his had to be.

In that case...I kinda have feelings for you. I read the book and screamed on the inside but just visibly buried my head in my hands for a second. When I rose I knew I had a stupid grin on my face but I didn't care."I...I feel, the same."

He came over to hug me and I was the happiest guy in the world just then, especially when he asked. I don't know if it's too soon but, would you accept me a second date? I smiled a goofy grin again. "I would love to! Would you want to meet tonight at my place? We could watch a movie? Or a TV show because those have a longer run time but it's not like whatever we're watching needs a longer run time. And when THE BIRDS ARE ASLEEP." I was rambling again. I knew it but Fred didn't seem to mind. He especially nodded when I made my last comment and I laughed and he let out another soft chuckle just for me to hear.

Finally, Fred left with a thank you and a swish of a wind from the stone, promising to see me tonight. As soon as I was sure he was gone. I buried my face in my hands again and screamed. I didn't care that I heard Fit, Sunny, Ramon, Bagi, and Empanada laughing their heads off. "I don't know how you managed to keep it going with what you were saying but Fred must like you a lot because you managed to secure it." Fit teased me with a smile. Does this mean I get another Pa?!! I laughed at Sunny."Watch that mouth popit" I told her with a pat on the head and ruffling her hair. "Well we're off for the rest of the day and Sunny can have a sleepover tonight at Ramons, we'll pick her up." Even though I tease him and Pac a lot, Fit really was a good wingman. "Sounds good." I replied with a grateful smile and took Sunny back home to relax, pleased with the day and anticipating many laughs later tonight.

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