The First Letters

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 A few days later, Tubbo decided to check on the spot on the bench. When he arrived, he saw a new flower growing in ever so slightly loose dirt and knelt down to dig up the book. It read, "Dear(? Mr. Tubbo. I hope that you see this letter soon in time. After a lot of thinking, which I don't normally do, I think that you have given me a new realization. As employees of the Federation, we do not get to keep any previous memories we may have had. This includes the memory of emotion. You, however, have triggered the memory of emotion back to me. I felt nervous at first at your offer of being friends but also excited. I specifically recall my stomach feeling like it flipped in embarrassment(? when you smiled at me when I didn't know the phrase 'penpals'. Or, how I was scared of my boss catching us talking, but overall I was excited to be friends and that's why I'm writing this letter to you. I feel so confused, why can't I control what I think, or feel anymore? I am beginning to feel - sad(? Sad that I can't understand, sad that my...friends at work have not yet rediscovered the memory of emotion. Anyway, on a happier note, I'm glad that I can call you a true friend. If you still want to be friends of course. -Fred(?"

Tubbo studied the book and thought to himself of the way Fred wrote. They seemed to write very formally even though they considered Tubbo a friend. They also only put question marks after parentheses or dots when they wanted to express in writing that they were confused or uneasy with something. Then his brain caught the question mark after 'embarrassment'. "Wait. Were they confused that they may have used the wrong word? Or, did the description of his stomach flipping the get li- No. That can't be. I'm looking too far into this. But, why do I feel the need to look more into this do I...? No. I'm going to stop thinking about this and write a letter back." Tubbo felt stupid, getting flustered and talking to himself when no one was around, over a book that his new friend gave him. He began to write his letter back.

The next day, Fred found themself with no work in their free time and instead of offering to help another employee, or going to their boss, they went to the bench. Their posture was normal but they felt nervous. Thoughts flooded his brain as he walked. What if he didn't respond even though it's been three days? What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if we get caught? Will they punish me, or worse will they hurt him? What if- However, when he arrived he saw fresh dirt with a new flower in the same spot he had dug a few days before and all of the negative thoughts in their head vanished. Their heart full of excitement, they looked around and then knelt down digging up the soft dirt and finding the book they had given Tubbo for the future message.

The book read, "Dear Fred, I hope this letter finds you well. I'm really sorry that you don't have any previous memories, especially ones of emotions. Emotions are really confusing, like you described, but there is no reason to feel sad over not understanding them. You should really try to understand them more, and I'm always here to talk if you feel overwhelmed about them. Don't worry about your other employee friends either. If you haven't noticed, we like to make messes (accidental or not) that will have all your other friends come to fix them and us islanders will make friends with them, show them what emotion is. To answer your question, of course I still want to be friends!! I'm genuinely curious to learn more about you and go on adventures, or complete one of the islands' missions together. Whatever you want to do with me. Or if you want to try something new you find out about and need a friend to try it with just say something and I'll see if I can come with you -Yours truly, Tubbo P.S: Do you have any pronouns you want me to call you by?"

There were multiple things Fred didn't understand with this letter, but they were also excited at the confirmation of being officially friends and . They were confused though, on why talking about their emotions rather than pushing them away was something he should do to help him understand. They would ask about that later. Tubbo also mentioned pronouns. Fred didn't know what that meant either but it sounded like something they could look up, they had never tried to look up anything on their computer because they were never curious about anything but he bet they could. The last thing Fred didn't understand in the letter was how it was signed. Do people normally sign books with an extra short message with their names rather than just their names? Did he mean it as anything more than just a way a friend would sign it? They took in a breath and sat on the bench. I'm not being professional, I'm reading too far in. We just became friends three days ago! Just write another message and ask him about it later. However, Fred didn't have to wait very long to have one of his many questions answered. The next day, another one of the new members on the island, Bagi (who was also friends with Tubbo) came up to them while they were sitting on the bench joined by a group of her friends. Fred waved to the group in greeting after they all said hi. Bagi walked up to them and observed the book in their hands. 



"What do you have there?" she asked curiously. Fred looked to her and pulled out his book and quill. "I'm writing a letter to my new friend, Mr. Tubbo. He is my pen pal." Bagi had a smirk on her face and of course that's when Tubbo decided to join the group after working in his factory for a while.

"Fred? FRED! Hi it's so good to see you again!" Fred and Tubbo both felt excitement as Tubbo walked up to him quickly to greet them; they hadn't seen each other in person in a while. He saw the book in Fred's hands and smiled. "Is this my new book?" Fred nodded in response.

"It will be soon, I haven't started writing yet." They flipped through the empty pages to show. Then, they both heard whispering and giggling from the others, especially Bagi. "Why are they staring at us and then laughing?" He asked Tubbo. Why are they whispering as well? What do they not want to tell me and Tubbo? Tubbo turned towards the group and said loudly. "I don't know. Why are you whispering and giggling to yourselves? Want to share with me and Fred?" He said with a smile as he walked over to them.

"We were just saying how it's nice that you have a new friend on this island." Bagi said smiling wide and the rest of the group chuckling which confused Fred but Tubbo seemed to get it because he began to blush slightly which only confused Fred even more. "Mr. Tubbo, you seemed flustered and I'm confused. What are they implying that you are blushing about?" As Tubbo read the book he smiled wide but blushed even more at the fact anyone had noticed he'd gone red. "Nothing Fred, they don't mean anything, there just joking-"

But as Tubbo was rambling, Bagi grabbed Fred's latest comment in the book from Tubbos' hands and began to read out loud while Tubbo was trying to grab the book back. "Mr Tubbo...You seem flustered and I'm-i'm confused. WHat are they- implying that is making you-blush!" When she finished, Tubbo gave up and glared at her while the rest of the group was smiling. "Awww, Fred's oblivious." She said it in a teasing tone but both Fred and tubbo were triggered by this.

Fred was embarrassed and angry at the statement. It's not my fault my memories were wiped. I couldn't control it! But they just stood still. Tubbo however, snatched the book back in frustration. "They're not oblivious. None of the workers have any memory of the modern world or phrases or 'teasing signs' or crushes!" Tubbo was so angry that he made a slip and everyone had backed off but now Bagi caught the slip and went right back to teasing them both. Everyone else was silent but now smiling.

"'Teasing signs'? Crushes? No one brought that up Tubbo." She stated. Tubbo stayed still and silent until she asked Fred, "Fred, I think Tubbo is in love with you. Do you know what that is?" Now Tubbo was pulling her arm angrily whispering "Don't. you. Dare." But Fred just shook their head, confused again and wondering what all the fuss was about.

"It means that you really care about someone and you want to be really close with them and stay with them forever." She explained. Fred thought for a moment. "So like a close friend?" They had looked up the meaning of a few things including pronouns yesterday, they also looked up more things on friends. This made Bagi smile. "Kind of, but no. Love is an even stronger relationship than friends, but it starts off like that. You start off as friends and then you get to like each other, liking one another is the place in between friends and lovers. And to be in love that means one person or both people in a hypothetical relationship love one another."

Fred looked to Tubbo but he was blushing and staring at the ground, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. Fred felt his heart racing and he was so confused as to why. I don' him back, do I? Does he truly like me? No. This can't be. This is too confusing. Reluctantly he pulls his book and quill from his pocket. "So...does me?" Bagi smiled and responded. "I don't know." Fred then became frustrated and decided to write his next book in his office away from people. "Well it was nice to see you all. Goodbye." And walked quickly to his office.

Tubbo turned on Bagi, "What the hell Bagi!? Look what you've done! He thinks I like him, he won't want to be friends with me anymore! And all of you," He turned on the rest of the group. "You didn't bother to stop her from saying all that! You just stood there laughing." Fit and Pac, Tubbos other friends that everyone on the island thinks might have something more, shared a glance and told Tubbo. "We didn't say anything because we think Bagi was really helping you out." Tubbo was still angry but now taken aback by embarrassment. "Maybe, but it's more likely she ruined it." And he walked off, leaving to work on his factory again with nothing better to do.

Flowers From Yours Truly (Tubbo and Fred Story)Where stories live. Discover now