What Just Happened?

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A few weeks later he received a letter from Fred that made him feel like he wanted to laugh, cry, scream, and pass out at the same time he was so happy. It read:

"Dear Tubbo, I'm writing this to express my thanks to you for being such a great friend. I also wanted to tell you that I had so much fun the night we went to watch a movie, but I am stalling. The real reason I wanted to write this letter to you was to...um..maybe ask you...I was wondering if you...you would want to go on a date with me? At least that's what I think people call it. Of course, you're welcome to decline;" 'I will NOT be declining' he thought to himself. "I hope to see you tomorrow, Friday. Yours Truly, Fred." "Oh my god, Oh my god he asked me out on a date!!" Tubbo grabbed his phone and typed a message to all that were with him on the island. 'OMG. GUYS, THEY ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE!!!!' this got a few positive and congratulatory responses. 'Who is it?' Oh no. He hadn't seen that Pierre was awake. He hated Pierre because Fred had once told him that he suspected Pierre to be 'The Masked Man' who kidnapped Fred at some point. He got nervous, 'Pierre would never find out though right? He doesn't know that I have a penpal in the Federation.' 'No one.' Tubbo responded quickly. This just got an 'okay. congrats!' and the conversation was over.

The next day Tubbo was dressed a little better than usual and was waiting for Fred to take them on their date. He became a little sad when he spent a few hours at an unofficial gathering with the islanders and Fred was still not there. He was about to go home when Quackity came up to him with too big of a smile and news that made Tubbo want to puke and cry.

(pause ik i normally have this story in third person but its changing to Tubbos pov. <3)

'I want you to explain some things to me,' Q said. I had barely said okay when he showed me a photo of...me and Fred...at StarBobby? We never went to StarBobby together. "What?..." I trailed off as he showed me more. "What is this shit?" I never did any of this with Fred, these are fake. How did he get these? I was going to ask when he walked off for a second to talk with someone else. I didn't argue because I was confused and in shock. When he came back he asked me what they were and i just stared at him "They were fake, this never happened. I havent even see them today and this photo was taken today!!" I had raised my voice and showed the back of the photo with the printed time on it. He just smiled and said "Fine, your right they are fake. Now, give me one moment" He said pulling out his warp stone from his pocket. I was now even more confused. "Why are you showing mw fake photos of myself." He didnt answer my question, just held out his hand and asked, "Give me your stone, I need two. I'll be back in a second." I handed him my stone and said okay figuring the only way I would get answers is to wait.

When he came back he said "So, you were right they were fake but what is your status with the guy?" I looked taken aback. "We are...good friends, I was going to hang out with him today, that's why I'm all dressed up." Then he pulled out a book and started to read it. "Dear Fred, I hope this letter finds you in good health. Anytime you need comforting words just let me know. I'm pleased that you can call me your 'official friend'!! Alright king, if that floats your boat any pronouns it is! I'm sorry that Bagi and the rest of my lot were joking a bit too far and made you uncomfortable, it is much better to talk about your feelings rather than push them away. Feel free to come to me about anything else!..." and ended it there but i knew there was more to that letter. How the fuck did he get that letter? Where is Fred? But he just kept talking,

"You're working with this Federation full of rats!" he spat the last word and went silent. "I'm not working for anyone? Why are you investigating Fred?!" He got mad "Listen pal! This Federation worker, your so-called friend, has told me that you're feeding him information! What kind of information are you giving them exactly?" I rolled my eyes. "We went to watch Wall-E in the cinema. I don't know what information youre talking about." he nodded along. "If this is true you're working with the Federation you're on the side of the federation. They are trying to get you to trust them and turn your back on the people of this island." I threw my hands up. "I'm not working for anyone! I hate the federation, they've taken my god-children and wont give us answers. But Fred is nice and we're just friends!" He glared at me. "And it never crossed your mind that hes just trying to get you to trust him so he can persuade you to be on his side when the time comes? That hes not trying to use you for information." I scowled. "Even if that was the case I don't have any information. Nothing at all. Nothing that the Federation wouldn't already know. Why do you care anyway, what do you need to know? " He just nodded again. "Im just trying to protect the thoughts on everyone on this island because the federation has done horrible things to me and your next." I nodded. "Me next, huh? Are they coming for me right now should i run away?" He just shook his head.

"You tust this Fred guy right? Well then why has he betrayed you?" I had been nodding when I stopped. "Fred hasn't betrayed me at all." He just handed me a book signed by Fred. "Tubbo and I have been working for the Federation." I put it in my pocket, unfazed because I trust Fred way more than I do Quackity. "That could just be a cover story." He shook his head again and pulled out his warpstone. "He would have used you if I hadn't stopped it, and I'm very sorry to say that you will never see Fred again." With that he ran away and I tried running after him, anger boiling inside me. "What do you mean I won't see him again?! Come back!" I hit him trying to get him to stop teleporting to who-knows-where but my efforts were in vain. I was left, standing there wondering where Fred was. 'What just happened?'

Flowers From Yours Truly (Tubbo and Fred Story)Where stories live. Discover now