I love you.

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(Hellooooo I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far! Sorry that it's been a while but I have this part and at least one more after this. okay enough of me talking, this is a Tubbo Pov, enjoy!)

I was in my factory talking with Fit when out of the corner of my eye I saw Federation workers. I couldn't help it, I leaned my head out a bit to check if one of them was Fred...

Nope, and they never would be. These two Fed workers and I had a funeral for Fred two weeks ago, when I sent a final goodbye letter. It hurts so much to have someone you...

Someone you love just gone.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" I asked the two workers. They shared a look and handed me a book. "We know that you and WA02 were very close, and we tried not to mention it so you could keep talking, but we think...he might not be dead." My heart felt like it sank, my head started to ache and my vision was spinning and blurry. I shook my head at them.

"How can you say that? After all the hurt that I've felt, we all felt?! I mean I know Quackity is alive and he could have murdered him but he's also hiding, maybe he's even dead!" I had raised my voice at them and I could see them flinch, I wasn't being fair, they've never felt anything like this before, they're in denial. "Look," I sigh softly "I miss him too, a lot. BUt what makes you think he could still be alive?" They handed me two books, "We never found his body, and we found this." the other book had coordinates, to somewhere not too far away but no one had visited.

I raised my eyebrows at Fit who had been reading over my shoulder. "You want to go on this adventure with me? We don't have anything better to do anyway." After he agreed we set off with the works and came to a hole in the ground. The guards turned on a flashlight and we squeezed through the opening down to a prison stall with...

I fell to my knees.

It was the fake pictures of me and Fred. My tears landed on the photos and I turned to the wall to see a coded message. I rolled my eyes and felt extremely discouraged, like there was no point. Of course Fred would leave the only way to rescue him in an alphabet code when I'm dyslexic Then again, I never told him... Wait, I never told him.

That thought was what got me to solve that puzzle with more coordinates a half hour later. I had so much to tell him, that I never had a chance to because I was too busy with something that now seemed stupid rather than checking the bench, or I was taking care of Sunny, I never got to tell him that I had a daughter either, or I was just too nervous to go check on him before Purgatory even though we had already kissed once. We kissed and I might never get to do it again.

That was my last thought as we came to a very small island where the coordinates led us. After walking for a while I saw him, in a little cottage looking out the door in shock and disbelief. I didn't even realize I was running to him until I jumped onto him and hugged him. My tears wetting his torn and bloody vest. "Fred..." I whispered and felt him squeeze me tighter.

When we let go we still stayed close but he pulled out a worn book and quill and wrote "Good to see your face again... Mr. Tubbo :) " I was still crying but I laughed a bit and then hugged him again. He pulled me away from him and I was about to kiss his cheek before Fit coughed and we turned to see him with a smirk on his face.

"Not rushing or anything but we have a thing called food and bedrooms at spawn so we should probably get going." I roll my eyes and shove him but we keep walking. I've just caught Fred up to the point where we arrived back home from Purgatory on the boat when I suddenly remember and shake his arm. I'm so excited, I don't think about giving context before I say, "OH, Fred you won't believe it!! I have a daughter!!! Her name is sunny." I see his face drop and I'm confused until he writes, "Oh...so you're taken?" My eyes widen and I blush. "No no no no no, it was adoption. Those eggs I told you about came from the other island with the rest of the eggs? Sunny was one of them and the Federation had me and a few others legally adopt her, but it's not like I'm in a relationship with any of them, or at all for that matter."

I hear Fit snicker behind me and mutter "Then what do you call this?" I shove him again and we keep walking until Fred grabs my hand and pulls me to a stop. I'm confused but nod and call for a quick rest and the others give us space. "I want to say I'm sorry for not making it to our date." I squeeze his hand and laugh. "You don't have to apologize for anything! It was Quackity's fault, not yours." I say with a reassuring smile. He pulls something out of his pocket. "Well make sure you expect me to make it up to you, but for now, I want you to have this rose I was going to give you before our date." I smile and blush just a bit and he takes his pinky in mine while we walk with the others.

The reason why we're walking is because the Fed workers don't have warp stones to teleport them but soon Fit nudges me, points to a random Teleporter and says, "Look over there. " I smile and turn to the workers who had been talking with Fred and announced, "Hey guys! Hot take, we don't have to walk anymore!" but Fred seemed distracted and handed me the books that his friends had written to him. "Just look what they're saying" he said only slightly overdramatic. "Sooooo, tell us about him!" another said "Go on then, introduce us!" I laugh and look up to them silently bickering. Fred hands me another book, "I hate them. I mean look at how much fun they're having teasing me! I feel flustered." My eyes widen and I blush because Fit laughs loudly behind my shoulder. "Awwww Tubbo, he's flustered." He teases me in a good natured way. Fred shakes his head dramatically and writes, "ANYWAY, you were saying something about no more walking?" I nod and teleport before Fit could tease me anymore.

(Quick pause. If you couldn't tell, this is based off on events that Tubbo actually had with Fred but in my story Fred is not getting taken away by Cucurucho, though that does happen. Okay thats all, enjoy!! <33)

I'm thankful that when we arrive back at spawn and say goodbye, Fit and the works leave me and Fred alone. I still have so much to tell him, but I know he might want to go home so I look at him and see if he is leaving.

"Thanks again for saving me Tubbo. " I smile at him. "Of course! Next time though, no more word puzzles, I forgot to tell you I'm dyslexic." I laugh and I can hear his muffled laugh with mine. My eyes shine when I hear that beautiful sound. "Could we go to my factory so we could keep talking and you could take off your mask so I can hear your laugh, see your pretty eyes, and your pretty smile..." I trail off as he takes my hand and we start walking to my factory, in comfortable silence, enjoying each others company. When we get to my factory he takes off his mask and laughs often, but he can't speak, another thing the Federation prevents, but its okay, we work through it.We talk for hours, watch movies and dance until it's late into the night. 

At the end of our night I just walk with him away from the noise of the factories and say goodbye. I turn to walk back to my factory but Fred grabbed my and turned he to him again. We studied each other and my eyes start to water when I think of how I almost lost one of the people I love the most, and decided he has to know that. I lean my forehead against his and barely manage to say, "I love you." I whisper. He held my face gently and wiped my tears. I moved my face slightly closer and this time he was the one to close the distance. I smiled and felt heat crawling up to my face when we pulled apart, my forehead against his, we stood like that for a few moments until he squeezed my hand and stepped away. We both walked back to our houses, hearts racing, faces in a permanent smile and minds replaying every moment together that day.

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