its so jover... WERE SO BACK!!

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Tubbo returned to the bench the next day, little did he know that this would be quite a surprising letter from Fred. He quickly dug into the dirt and found the book, this time it had a title, it read "Questions from Fred:

Hello Mr. Tubbo, Thank you for your comforting words as to my concern for my other friends. I am pleased to hear we are officially friends. On the subject of pronouns, I don't quite understand them but I do understand that Fred is commonly known as a masculine name and I am okay with keeping that name. This is because I like the name you've given me and I am also giving you permission to use whatever pronouns you'd like because I don't completely understand them. However, there has been some conflict about me calling you a friend after I met one of your other friends, Bagi. She might have just been joking but you said yourself that I should talk about my emotions rather than push them away. I thought we were just friends, nothing more. I'm sorry if I sent a message that said otherwise. I hope to hear from you soon. -WA02"

Tubbo was hurt by Freds hesitation to call him a friend and that he had written 'hello' instead of 'dear'. "Bagi when I find you I'm going to murder you." Tubbo was so mad at Bagi and he thought it would be best if he gave Fred the choice about continuing their letter exchange and trying to see each other when Fred had a job involving talking with the islanders, which is what Tubbo wanted, or if he wanted space for a little bit. As much as it hurt him, Tubbo knew that this must be a lot for Fred to process and that he might need some space. So, he wrote another letter offering ideas on how these emotions can be handled.

A few days after that, Fred decided to check the bench again out of curiosity even though he was still so confused on what his feelings for Tubbo were. Tubbos' letter read, "Fred, I hope this letter finds you in good health. Anytime you need comforting words just let me know. I'm pleased that you can call me your 'official friend'!! Alright king, if that floats your boat any pronouns it is! I'm sorry that Bagi and the rest of my lot were joking a bit too far and made you uncomfortable, it is much better to talk about your feelings rather than push them away. Feel free to come to me about anything else! If you still feel uncomfortable about it then take your time and space from me and my group! If not, I thought we could go to the movies sometimes. There's a new theater in town that I could get a movie for. - Yours Truly, Tubbo"

Fred felt a bit better with this kind of clearing up. Tubbo was happy that they were friends, the pronouns situation was basically sorted out, and he gave Fred reassurance that it was okay that he needed space and if not, they could hang out sometime. Fred took a deep breath and decided that they were going to relax more and even try opening up to the idea of not caring when Tubbos friends, not his coworkers, teased them about being more because who were they to know they would maybe want that later.

Flowers From Yours Truly (Tubbo and Fred Story)Where stories live. Discover now