Oh, Hello.

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A mess had been made of one of the public Federation buildings. The building, even though it was hundreds of feet tall, was buried almost completely with rocks and public roads were destroyed. This was the islander protest against their baby dragons being taken from them for months now. Unlike the Federation employees, the islanders' memory of the modern day world and emotions were not taken from them but the memory of their past lives before being on the island were, obviously this was so the tests could give accurate results. The new islanders that had just been sent to the island were found by the original islanders far away, frozen in ice in an abandoned building. The new islanders were quickly caught up by what was happening and were not too happy with the Federation either because, they too, found it unfair.

The dragons were a part of the tests, the big surprise. The story was that when the islanders had pressed the big, red, tempting button, it destroyed an entire wall that surrounded the main area. This startled a sleeping mama dragon so much she left her children behind, leaving the islanders to get emotionally attached to them while they take care of them until the mom comes back.

Now the babies have been taken by something even the Federation wasn't aware of. But hey, in the Feds eyes, this was just giving even better results. They did want to get the babies back though. However, for now, WA02 is in charge of fixing the roads that were destroyed. As WA02 is working, Tubbo sees him and is curious. WA02 is an upper status employee,(Worker, Tier A, Number Two.) which means he looks exactly the same as the other employees, only the color of his vest and helmet is different. Their vest is blue with black and white outlines rather than the usual orange and yellow vests the islanders know of the other workers. Tubbo catches this detail as it is WA02's first time being around the people on the island.

"Hello?" Tubbo greets WA02 with a hint of question in his voice. "Whatcha doing?" he asks without waiting for a greeting in return. WA02 stares for a moment before pulling out a pocket book and quill. Only Cucurucho is allowed to talk and even then it is with a voice changer that makes his voice sound like an artificial voice. The employees are not allowed to use their voices even when just amongst themselves. They communicate in every interaction through books that they write in.

"Hello, I am working on repairing the roads." WA02 writes in the book then hands it to Tubbo. "Oh, I see. Well you're doing a great job! Would you like me to help you?" WA02 just stares. Only he was supposed to do his own area of work. This offer is considered a nice thing to do. Why would an islander that normally dislikes the Federation want to help an employee? WA02 held out his hand politely to ask for the book and quill back. Then quickly writes, "I am meant to be working on this by myself." and hands it back to Tubbo. "Oh, do you think you would get in trouble if I helped?" Tubbo couldn't keep the sadness out of his voice as he handed the book back to WA02. He had been hoping to make friends with this new employee and maybe learn more about the Federation's intentions. "Well, do you think your boss would mind if I could just stay and chat? I'd love to be friends." WA02 had just finished repairing one of the roads and moved onto trying to clear the rocks off the building when he stopped and turned at Tubbos' words. Friends. Having no memory of the world doesn't really come in handy when talking to people who do have some memory.

"What are friends?" WA02 questions in the book and hands it to Tubbo. He notices he missed a giant spot in the road and started to head back there instead. His instructions stated that he was meant to fix the road first then help the other employee's with the building.

"What are friends? Oh, well, friends are people that you hang out with in your free time to just have fun, or have nothing else to do. You know?" Tubbo tries to explain the best he can but feels like maybe that wasn't the best description.

WA02 stops to think for a moment while they're on the bridge back to the road. They take the book back. "So, would my boss be my friend if I go to them in my free time?" They write a little confused and stay still to wait for an answer. "So would my boss be my friend..." Tubbo repeats and chuckles, "Yeah your boss could be your friend I guess...I could be your friend if you'd like?" Tubbo finds himself offering that genuinely, not just to get information. He genuinely wanted to learn more about this Federation employee.

WA02 stares again as he takes back the book and writes slowly. "You are being what people call 'nice.' Why?" WA02 starts to walk to the road again. Tubbo seems a little taken aback. "Well, um, I don't know. I just want to be friends with you? You know? We could get to know each other more and hang out for fun." Tubbo walks with WA02 and waits for an answer. Something tells him that the Federation employee's don't get much fun all that often. WA02 writes back. "I don't think I'm meant to talk with islanders while I'm on duty. Much less meet up in my free time." That may have seemed harsh but WA02 didn't understand human emotions and Tubbo was starting to understand that.

"Well, why not hang out right now? Then you can see if you want to be friends with me later. Do you have a name I could call you by?" WA02 just shakes his head, his mind still on the offer of having a 'real friend'. "I'll call you Fred then. Is that an okay name with you? Fred?" WA02 thinks for a moment before nodding their agreement. They had never had a name before so they were still going to have to get used to being called 'Fred'.

Tubbo then spent the rest of his time with Fred. Helping and talking and when they were done with the job they rested on a bench overlooking the moat that surrounded the Federation building Fred stopped Tubbo from leaving and started writing a message to him. "I'm not supposed to talk with you, but I do want to take you up on that offer of having a real friend. So to communicate, come back to this bench and dig under a flower, there will be a book. We'll change the flower each time so we'll know when there is a new book to read. Only if you would like, of course."

As Tubbo read the message a smile tugged at the ends of his lips. "I would love to do this letter exchange. That's clever, a new flower for every new book. Do you know what people call friends exchanging letters?"

Fred almost forgets to answer. Their mind was still stuck on the weird feeling they got when Tubbo officially called Fred a friend. The question brings Fred back from their thoughts and they shake their head in response. This only makes Tubbo really smile. "People will call them 'penpals'. So now, we're considered penpals!"

Again, Fred feels a weird feeling in his stomach, like it was doing a flip. Why were they feeling this? Were they feeling emotions? As their brain went into a mental spiral, they quickly wrote a goodbye message, thinking if they got away from Tubbo for now, they wouldn't feel these confusing emotions anymore. "It was...nice to meet you. I...look forward to seeing your responses to my books. Thank you, Mr. Tubbo." He handed the book back and decided to let him keep it for future messages, then walked away quickly to his office.


(1355 words yayyyy)

(again I have more written so let me know if you want more :D Luv ya!)

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