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(After, Quackity with Fred: aka Fred pov)

I had my arms wrapped around my legs on the floor and when I heard a distinctive sound of wind and footsteps, I knew he was back and I looked up to him, my face drenched in sweat from the lava he had in front of the bars of my prison. He looked at me with an awful grin.

"It's been done, you have no friends left. And your great friend-hates you." My heart dropped. There was no way, was there? Tubbo would never believe that I would take advantage of him right? No, there was a way. I had signed a book against my will, a book that might have well had said that I betrayed Tubbo. "Yeah, you thought you could take advantage of someone on this island? Not on my watch." I hated Quackity, with every living cell in my body. I know he was just trying to protect everyone from the awful things the Fed had done to him but did that really interfere with taking people, no, loved ones from others lives just because they were on a side that they didn't even want to be on? I tried to get back at him with my books. "At least we are somewhat alike, alone. Without anyone, right?" He looked calm but his next words showed clear anger. "There's two ways we can do this. Your great friend thinks that you used and betrayed him, he thinks you are a rat. So, I could kill you right now and he'll be under that impression for the rest of his life." I looked at him with shock, shaking my head. "Or, you can give me a good tip of information and that earns you another day alive. Maybe one day you could leave and fix your relationship, whatever that is." I threw a book at him. "And when do I get out of it?" "Well, when you give me all the information I need, I'll let you go. In fact write in this book right now and tell me something you think is good information about the Federation. DONT lie. Any false information and I will kill you right now." I nodded and started writing. "The Federation is divided into ranks from highest to lowest." I knew I had told Tubbo about this before and he told others but Quacktiy didn't seem the social type, and I was right. "Ohhhhh okay good job, good job. So it's divided by hierarchy. I like that information." He pulled out his warpstone but then stopped and snickered, "Oh and for your good behavior." I stood up quickly thinking he would give me food, for a whole week I only had a carrot but no, it was the fake photos of me and him together. Boiling hate inside me, I scribbled, "RAT, I hope they keep mistreating you!" He laughed but cut two deep cuts in my arm with a knife, dark blood spilled onto the ground. "SHUT UP, SHUT UP. I'll be back tomorrow for more information." but he never came, not for another week. In that week I began to dig in the ground to tunnel out, leaving behind clues for Tubbo. I knew he would come, I believed he would but I needed to get out and run far, far away.

And I did, across the ocean to a small, unexplored island where I made a small living area on the side of a hill. Waiting to be remembered and rescued.

But that didn't happen for a good few weeks, because the islanders had been sent to Purgatory on Egg island with their eggs and they wouldn't be back for a while.

{sorry for the super short chapter but I hoped you enjoyed! <3   Drink water!}

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