The Movies

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Tubbo couldn't believe his eyes, he thought his dyslexia or wishful thinking had actually got to him because the letter he read made him impossibly happy. "Dear Tubbo, I appreciate your words of affirmation, good to know I can rely on someone because if you can't tell, we in the federation don't really talk to each other. Then again, I never had feelings to talk about until you walked into my life and you alone are a mystery and adventure that, bad for me or not, I'm blinded by the happiness you bring me that I've never been able to experience except with you and the other islanders. That being said, I would like to accept that offer for the movies, I think it would be very fun. I hope to see you soon. -Fred" He hoped that Fred would be at spawn and decided to walk there just to check. Just both their luck, Tubbo saw Fred by the theater and Fred turned to see him around the same time. Tubbo smiled and broke into a jog to Fred longing to see him after such a long time and with the awkwardness put behind them Fred decided to jog to Tubbo as well and they collided in a hug because neither could or wanted to stop. Fred smiled behind their mask and when they pulled away from Tubbo immediately wrote in their book "Good to see you again! I missed you, do you know what movie we're watching?" Fed felt more free to be themself with no more worries and was fine with asking open questions to Tubbo now.

Tubbo smiled when he took the book. "Aww I missed you to. Actually yeah, we're going to watch the Disney movie 'Wall-E'. Do you know that movie?" Fred just shook their head and took their book back not having ever watched a movie before. "Oh, well, you'll love this movie and I'm glad I'm the one you're going to watch your first with. Come on lets go!" Tubbo offered Fred his hand and Fred only hesitated for a second before gladly taking it and walking into the theater with Tubbo. They laughed and awwed when it was right, Tubbo making occasional comments explaining what was happening. However Fred noticed that most of the time Tubbo was looking at them rather than the screen but Fred didn't mind to much, enjoying and understanding how movies worked and how you were meant to watch them. There was one thing they didn't understand, when Wall-E and Eva 'kissed' and conveyed they were 'in love' with each other. They knew what being in love meant but not what a kiss was. They were going to ask Tubbo about it but he was getting some popcorn, having already seen the movie, so they decided they would ask later.


(473 words yayyyy)


{Quick addition to the story :3}


"So, did you enjoy the movie?" Tubbo asked. Fred nodded and pulled out his book. "I really enjoyed the movie and your company. I just had one question about something in the movie." They were walking hand in hand again but when Tubbo read the book he stopped and smiled up at Fred. "Sure, whats up?" Fred scribbled in their book. "I know what it means to be in love because of lucky and happy people on the island but what and why did Wall-e and Eva kiss?" Tubbo turned a slight red and looked at their still interlocked hands. "They did that to show in the movie. that they loved each other. Kissing is what most people show affection to family and loved ones, does that make sense?" Fred nodded and now understood why Tubbo was red. (and was turning a little red themself under their mask) "Yes, Thank you for explaining to me, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with that question."

Tubbo smiled, "Oh Fred, always formal and considerent," Tubbo looked at him now. "Anytime. Don't worry about me, you could never make me uncomfortable." For a moment they just stood there looking at each other until Fred pulled a daisy from beside them and handed it to Tubbo with a book. "Thanks again for tonight, I had a wonderful time. Get home safe and I hope we can do this again soon." Tubbo smiled and let go of Fred's hand to wave goodbye "Yeah, for sure do this again soon!" And walked to his house smiling.


(btw the next part is my favorite that i've written so far and im so excited for you to read it too!!!!)

Flowers From Yours Truly (Tubbo and Fred Story)Where stories live. Discover now