A Better Light

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A few months later, he took a slight break from crime fighting. He did what he could to help people as much as possible, but he needed to maintain his career, as it was important to him as an individual. Just a few years ago, he was bitten here, but now? He literally works here. He sighed, he was new to the job, and he was eager to research more about himself, but privately. He couldn't let anyone figure out who he was. He sighed, walking inside the NSRC. He looked around the building, humming lowly in awe as he saw the very nice inside of the building. He approached the elevator, pressing the button to the floor he was scheduled to work on, waited, and stepped inside once it arrived. He was alone in the elevator, thankful because he didn't want to awkwardly sit next to anyone. Alejandro stayed silent, eyeing the floor indicator, slowly watching the number count up overtime until the machine stopped smoothly. He watched the doors open, and he stepped out and looked around, seeing glass encased offices. He wandered around, holding a bag over his shoulder that contained any important belongings. He saw an office that had his full name plated onto it, and walked inside, seeing another man through the walls. "Uh, Hello." Alejandro spoke, clearing his throat to catch his attention. The other jumped slightly, looking up and seeing Alejandro walk into his view. "Oh, hello! My bad, uh.." The other chuckled nervously, offering a hand. "My name's Harry Osborn." Alejandro nodded, shaking the other's hand. "You probably know who I am." Alejandro chuckled slightly. "Mhmm. So, I'm gonna be your uh.. research partner for these next few months! You can sit your stuff down over there. Today we're gonna be looking at the genetics of frogs and stuff, so I hope you aren't squeamish or anything." Harry joked, but Alejandro shook his head. "Nah, don't worry about it. I used to do electrical work before I got a job here, used to go down in uh.. sewers and stuff." He laughed slightly, and Harry nodded, watching Alejandro set his bag in the corner of the office.. "Neat, know your way around machines and stuff?" Harry asked, and Alejandro laughed slightly. Harry watched Alejandro open his bag and pull out a white lab coat, putting it on and dusting himself off. Harry's eyes naturally glanced back to his backpack, seeing a slight white and red.. something, he couldn't tell what it was, probably a lunch bag or something. "Hell, I can fix them for you if you need someone to." Alejandro spoke, catching Harry's attention. He nodded, raising his eyebrows. "Well, that's actually pretty neat. Glad to have someone know his way around that kinda stuff. I'm not.. the brightest when it comes to stuff like that." Harry laughed nervously, sitting down at one of the two desks in the smaller office. Alejandro nodded, glancing at the equipment that he'd be working with. Microscopes, petri dishes.. He was intrigued. "Frogs, huh? What're we doing with them?" He asked, and Harry pointed to a temporary enclosure containing two poison dart frogs. "We're looking to see if they've made any genetic advancements over the last few years, some have been more potent with their poison than normal as of late. If you're gonna handle them, use gloves and avoid touching your mouth and stuff afterwards." Harry told him, turning around in his office chair to turn on his desktop. Alejandro nodded, noticing a box of gloves by the enclosure, grabbing two, and snapping them on. He knew what he had to do. He grabbed one of the two small glass planes, and opened the plastic top of the enclosure. He reached into the container, waiting for one of the two colorful frogs to make their way onto his gloved hand. He lifted up one of them, making sure to not make any sharp movements so the animal wouldn't freak out and jump out of his palm. Alejandro gently ran the glass panel over the frog's back, trying to coat it with its poisonous mucus. He sat the panel to the side, gently lowering the frog back into the temporary habitat. He carefully scooped up the other frog, and repeated the process on that one too.

He snapped the cover of the enclosure back shut, so they couldn't escape. He carefully brought the two different panels and made sure not to mix them up. He had slipped the first plane under the microscope, the other was set to the side. "How's it looking?" Harry suddenly asked, catching Alejandro off guard. "Well.." He muttered, peering into the scope. "This one looks.. about normal, I'd say." He said, and reached for the other panel, slowly sliding out the one underneath the scope with the other panel. He looked back into the microscope, humming in satisfaction. "There we go.." Alejandro muttered, seeing a huge difference. The cells, there were a lot more of them. "The first one looks standard, but this one is pretty different." Alejandro responded, and Harry nodded, typing the description he was given from Alejandro onto his computer. He pressed a button, and the printer by the computer started making noises. It was taking pictures. Alejandro glanced at the printer, humming slightly. He thought to himself in his head, wondering if he could get a sample of himself and analyze it and hope no one would figure out he had dormant spider DNA in his body. Now wasn't the time though, he'd probably have to do this another day, before he had to leave after his shift.

He did a few hours worth of analyzing the pictures with Harry, and he actually enjoyed his company. Alejandro found Harry a chill guy, not too dramatic or outspoken, but not firm. To him, Harry was just right.

He said goodbye to Harry before clocking out for the night, grabbing his bag and heading out of the room. Harry waved his goodbyes with a slight smile, leaning back in his chair and turning around to face his computer.

Alejandro took off his coat on the way out, stuffing it in his bag and zipped it up. He slung it over his shoulder, approaching the elevator and pressing the button to call it. His eyebrows furrowed at the idea of checking his DNA, he was scared to see what it looked like.

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