Unusual Changes

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Alejandro groaned tiredly, throwing himself on Harry's couch. He buried his face into a pillow, his arms holding onto it and squeezing it. Harry walked into his apartment, closing the door and locking it behind himself. He hung his backpack on a hook in the wall right next to the door, looking at Alejandro. "..Maybe you shouldn't have ordered enough food for yourself to feed both you and I. You ate way too much.—" Harry sighed, his fingers running through his curly reddish-brown hair. "No kidding.." Alejandro laughed weakly, feeling the pain in his stomach. "Too much shrimp for you, huh?" Harry laughed nervously, gently reaching for Alejandro's backpack straps and sliding the bag off of him, setting it down on the floor against the couch. "How are you feeling..? No weirdness?" He asked the man who laid face down on the couch. "Nah, I still feel great. No soreness, no nothing. This stuff is great." Alejandro responded, rolling onto his side to look at Harry. 

Harry kept an eye on him, nodding at his sentence. "Right.." He said, holding his head for a moment. Alejandro reached for his bag, unzipping it and rummaging through it. Harry saw him pull out his suit and mask from his bag, seeing how damaged they were and sighed at the fact that he'd have to fix them. He had so much stress built and settled onto his shoulders, he might have to tell Alejandro he'd have to fix it in the morning, or maybe he could teach him. "I.. I don't know if I can fix it tonight, I'm exhausted after saying the same oath over and over and working on it constantly.." Harry said, though his eyebrows furrowed upon seeing Alejandro quickly undress to slip it on in front of him, he pulled the damaged mask over his face, and took a deep breath at seeing the damaged bits and pieces of it, cloth hanging from tears and the screens flickering somewhat. "I wouldn't worry about it right now.. It's messed up, yeah, but like you said, you're just too busy right now and—" Alejandro spoke, but a glimpse of black and orange caught his eye. He moved his head to look at his shoulder, seeing the white of his suit fade darker and darker, spreading throughout his suit as if he was getting covered with a black slime, strands of it grew faster, completely enveloping his suit in black. 

He saw orange highlights of his suit fade in through the darkness, his hand shaking slightly at seeing the suit becoming fully repaired like nothing even happened. Harry was taken aback, this had to be the alien. Harry reached for Alejandro's suit, his heart beating out of his chest in nervousness. He saw the orange spider symbol, his fingertips grazing it but he pulled back his fingers, not expecting such warmth. "G-Get out of that.. It's overheating." Harry told Alejandro, but he seemed confused. "It's.. hot?" Alejandro asked, his hand reaching to hesitantly touch the orange spider on his chest. His fingers laid flat against it, but he didn't really feel that much warmth, it felt.. normal to him. "It feels fine to me." Alejandro told Harry, looking at his own hands and turning them around to see the orange strips around his fingers. "Are.. you sure? This is another layer of this whole situation I haven't even known about.. Anything feel different to you?" Harry asked, concerned, looking into Alejandro's orange tinted lenses. "Not really, still energized as usual. I gotta take this out for a spin.." Alejandro laughed, jumping in place as he had no way to release any of his built up excitement and energy. Harry tilted his head, shaking his head no. "I don't think that's a good idea.." Harry said, watching Alejandro approach one of his windows. Harry followed alongside him, trying to push the idea out of his head. "I really don't think you should d—" Harry spoke, but his sentence ended when he felt Alejandro reach around his waist with one arm while the other hand pushed open the window. Harry felt strange, his lips pressing tightly against each other though he yelped and clung onto Alejandro as he jumped out the window, listening to him laugh in joy. The loud noise of wind slammed against Harry's ears, unsure of how Alejandro could tolerate this rollercoaster of movements for years. Harry could feel his claws dig into his side and the suit's sticky pads on his hand cling to his shirt. The claws didn't hurt, but it had a slight tingly feeling. Maybe that was just his own thoughts making him feel that way, he had no idea if Alejandro was unaware, or if he was.. starting to get a bit more 'friendly' with him. 

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