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Alejandro sighed shakily upon unlocking the door to his family's apartment, knocking twice before entering. He closed the door behind him, his black clothes back once again. He walked through the tiny hallway, his face scrunching slightly as he was suddenly smelling something strange, ignoring the running TV and turned off lights. Everything seemed normal except for the strange smell. "<Dad? I'm home, did you..>" Alejandro spoke in Spanish though he didn't finish his sentence, seeing his father in his chair as usual. 

The lack of his father's awareness and his stillness caught his attention, normally he'd shuffle around a little. Alejandro slowly walked past the back of his father's chair, his heart suddenly in his throat as he saw the eerie paleness in his dad's darker skin. "<Hey, Dad, you..—>" Alejandro mumbled, his hand slowly reaching to touch his father's hand, immediately recoiling at the coldness. He's dead. He could smell blood, too. He couldn't comprehend this, his heart beating faster as reality hit him. What could he do? The most he could do was call the police but he knew they wouldn't do much. He looked for their older landline, seeing it on the wall and quickly did another emergency dial of the night. Two people he knew closely were dead in one night. "M-Ma'am, I don't know how! He's dead! I can smell blood, he's cold and pale and not responding!" Alejandro said frustratingly to the operator, his throat tight due to holding back tears. He took the operator's calmness as infuriating and unhelpful, even though he knew it was their job to be that way. "P-Please.. Just come. I'm on the south-east side, the apartment building's 209.."

 Alejandro leaned against the wall, his arm holding him up as he faced away from the corpse in his apartment, resisting the urge to gag as suddenly the smell grew much stronger. His senses were going insane, something wasn't right, clearly, but he heard a sudden movement. "Sir? What's your name?" He heard the operator, and Alejandro looked in the direction he heard a small shuffle. "W-Wh.. I heard something." Alejandro told her, "Don't hang up, I just need a bit more time to see your exact location, but they're on their way. And what did it sound like to you? Whatever you do... Go see what it was." She told him, and Alejandro furrowed his eyebrows at the sentence, "O-Okay.." Alejandro responded, slowly setting the phone on the table, leaving the call going. It's like he thought of it, and his own suit listened to him. His clothes changed, from the wear before to his black and orange spider suit enveloping his body like slime. 

He immediately went into stealth mode, standing on his toes as he quietly headed in the direction of the noise. Alejandro's lenses squinted, seeing movement through shadows that peeked through the light underneath the crack in the door that was his own bedroom. He felt that sudden anger, his dad was dead. He couldn't change that, but he could surely catch the person who did it. Though, he couldn't control himself from bursting through his bedroom door, seeing an inhumanly tall, all black figure with some white stand by his window. Alejandro could see, smell, blood dripping from one of their claws. This person, whoever they were, did it. Alejandro said nothing as he suddenly pounced on the seven foot brick wall of a, presumably, human being. He was unfortunately met with a heavy punch to the side of his face, the force pushed him down to the floor, holding his cheek in pain. "Why did you do this..? W..What's your problem?!" Alejandro shouted at them, he heard a heavy sigh come from his attacker. "<It's nothing personal, Aroyya.>" The man said in Spanish to Alejandro, Alejandro's eyelids widened at hearing his last name despite being in the suit.

 "<How do you know me? Why did you kill him?!>" Alejandro responded, his words sounding more strained as he tensed his muscles as hard as he could, suddenly springing up and pulling him away from the window with his webbing. The other's white eyes slightly widened, not expecting the sudden force. He was underestimating him, sure. Alejandro growled as he sent one of his tightly clenched fists directly into one of the killer's eyes. The man stumbled, grunting slightly at feeling his sharp knuckles hit his left eye. "<If you're going to act like this, then let's take this outside..>" The man grumbled, suddenly grabbing Alejandro's shoulders with both of his clawed hands, the metallic claws within his gloves dug through the suit and into Alejandro's skin, and he quickly threw Alejandro's body through his own window, the glass shattering as he was thrown like a ragdoll. 

Alejandro now knew that something about this man wasn't right, he had more than just his height and build going for him. Alejandro's back slammed against a brick wall, his body causing a dent to form into it due to the force. Alejandro groaned, his eyes slowly opening to see his assailant climb through the window he destroyed despite his size and onto the metal balcony. Alejandro quickly latched onto the wall, the claws and padding on the suit helping him against gravity, huffing as he quickly crawled up the side of the building he was thrown against and onto the roof of it. The man did a quick run and jump, getting enough height to grab the ledge of the building and pull himself up to meet Alejandro again. 

The assailant brushed himself off, clearing his throat before speaking in his first language. "<You can call me Black Tarantula, kiddo. I know who you are because why else would THE Spider-man be here?>" He laughed weakly, moving a hand to gently graze his injured eye, hissing slightly. "<That was a good punch, by the way.. Most people can't even touch me.>" Black Tarantula said, moving his hands to pop his knuckles. Alejandro huffed in anger, "<Maybe you're just getting sloppy.. Can you explain what the hell your reasoning is for killing my dad?>" Alejandro snapped, attempting to jump on the massive man. Black Tarantula squinted his eyes, his clawed hand grabbing ahold of Alejandro's neck and he threw him into the concrete floor beneath them. "<I was hired to collect your daddy's blood, but since most of his bloodstream is contaminated I had to just take his whole damn heart! There, you happy? He was one of the few people here that have a certain blood type we need and he's the closest!>" Black Tarantula shouted at him, and Alejandro closed his eyes, hissing slightly as the grip on his neck was growing tighter due to him struggling.

 "<W-Why.. his heart? Why do you need his blood?! He's just a defenseless man, he's never hurt anyone!>" Alejandro coughed out, his feet suddenly kicking in Black Tarantula's abdomen, pushing the air out of him due to the sudden force. He wasn't told Spider-man was this strong compared to him, what caused the sudden change? Black Tarantula let go of Alejandro's neck, holding his abdomen as he tried to catch his breath. "<..His heart is pumping clean blood, son. It'd be really great if you stopped trying to fight and you'd listen to me! I can't tell you why I need it, it's just something I can't share. Now, if you'd please, I need to deliver this to my client..>" Black Tarantula growled holding a pocket on his trench coat, showing Alejandro where his father's heart was. Alejandro got out from underneath him, but he wasn't going to let Tarantula leave without paying. Alejandro stared him down, his anger and adrenaline fueling him, and suddenly acted without thinking. 

He pounced, his claws growing from his fingers as he tried to plunge them into Tarantula's own heart. His strength was through the roof, maybe it was the alien, he didn't know nor did he care, he just wanted this man dead for killing one of the last family members he knew. His hardened claws went through the turtleneck, piercing through skin but it wouldn't go any deeper. Black Tarantula growled from pain, his hand quickly reaching into his trenchcoat. Alejandro felt a sharp sting, then intense burning, along with hearing a loud pop that came from Black Tarantula's hand. Alejandro growled in pain, grinding his teeth underneath his mask as he dropped to the ground. "<I really didn't want to shoot you, kid, but I'm not dying tonight. Don't piss me off like how you did next time we meet, if we meet.>" Black Tarantula huffed, kicking Alejandro away and he stuffed the pistol back into his coat. He had pulled it out and stuffed it away so fast, he could've been a gunslinger instead of a superhuman assassin.

 He ran off, jumping off the roof of the building onto another, another after another. Alejandro grunted, holding where it burned the most, his abdomen felt like it was on fire as he tried to stand back up but he just fell onto the floor, his eyes closing. He could hear police sirens on the way, but he didn't know if he had the strength to swing away. He could've sworn he heard someone with a strange, deep voice telling to get up and leave but he wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or not. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he managed to find his way out of consciousness. 

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