The Surprise (1/2)

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Alejandro had woken up on the couch, groaning tiredly. He could barely remember much, he saw a home that was unfamiliar, he slept on someone else's couch.. He had no idea how to comprehend this. He saw Harry making something, lunch most likely, in the kitchen. He looked at his torn up suit, huffing at his bruises and aches. "H..Harry?" Alejandro mumbled, groaning tiredly while sitting up. "Hey, big guy. Slept in a bit more, huh?" Harry told him from the kitchen. Alejandro stared at him, dazed and confused. "Slept.. in?" He mumbled, looking around. "W-What happened?" He asked, and Harry lightly dropped the second piece of bread on top of the rest of the ingredients, therefore, sandwich. "Uh.. you don't remember?" Harry said, finishing the second sandwich he had prepared for Alejandro. He grabbed the two plates off the counter, approaching his work partner on the couch and setting them both down on the coffee table. "Uh.. not really." Alejandro mumbled, looking away. Harry sat down in the loveseat next to the couch, leaning forwards to grab his plate. "Well.. you fought with that.. person who could literally manipulate electricity, you came by here, your powers made you a little.. messed up.. but that's about it really. I kept you here because you weren't even.. talking at a point. You were almost zoned out or something. I couldn't let you out while you weren't yourself, I'm not saying you're dangerous, but you were.. unpredictable. I'll tell you more when you wake up a little more, alright? Just.. take a moment to get your surroundings or whatever." He gave a quick summary, though he knew eventually he'd have to go more in depth so Alejandro could know everything. He couldn't cut out any details.

Alejandro heard everything, and felt every emotion he could think of. He sat upright on the couch, holding his empty plate as he was chewing his last bite. "So.. I just gotta use my powers sparingly..?" He asked, and Harry shrugged. "For the most part. Your webs, from what I know of, barely alter you. But that doesn't mean you're free from using them, they still count technically, but just a little bit, a slowburner." He told Alejandro, his leg crossed over the other while he leaned on one side of the loveseat. "..Got it.." Alejandro muttered, moving a hand to brush his fingers through his slightly messy hair. He knew he had to shower, but had no change of clothes. "..I'm probably gonna have to get this fixed, I need to shower but I don't have clothes to change with, heh.." He laughed weakly, looking at the window. "I mean, I imagine you're quick with getting dressed because of your whole.. thing." Harry told him, moving a hand to gesture to his body. "I know I'm a bit smaller than you, and uh.. not as bulky as you are." He laughed weakly, knowing he was a little on the skinner side. Alejandro nodded, setting down his plate and he glanced at a window. He slowly stood, huffing in pain due to his soreness. "Uh, Thanks for the hospitality.. you didn't have to do all of this." Alejandro spoke, slowly approaching one of the windows. "Nah, It's for your safety, really. And aren't you forgetting something?" Harry laughed, mentioning Alejandro's unmasked self. Alejandro stared at him until it registered. "Oh." His eyes darted to the couch, aiming his wrist and webbed his pretty damaged mask into his hand. He slipped on his mask, pulling up the window. "Oh!— Before you go, I uh.. gotta question." Harry spoke quickly, reaching his hand out slightly. Alejandro looked over his shoulder, his hands resting on the window frame. "Uh.. If your suit keeps getting damaged, maybe you and I could.. make a new, more durable one?" Harry asked, slightly embarrassed at the idea. "I'm thinking we should add some technology that can detect if your powers are doing too much to you." He suggested, moving his hands to hold them together. Alejandro's lenses widened slightly at the idea, "Uh, yeah..! That'd.. be great, actually. I'll hook you up with a design or something." He told him, moving his body physically through the window. "See you next shift." He waved at Harry before jumping off the tiny balcony and using building ledges to swing off of. Harry sighed, watching him leave. "Y..Yeah.." He mumbled, despite being alone now.

Alejandro had swung home, gave his suit a quick patch up with the same, leftover materials that he had to make it in the first place, and took another hefty nap in his own bed once he was finished. Even though it was the afternoon, he slept for almost 3 hours. He had a hard time sleeping at first, the thoughts that he could turn into.. that kept him awake for a while, but he had to follow Harry's advice.

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