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I was sitting at the dinner table, engrossed in a lively conversation with Mishti. Her stories always had a way of captivating me, but once we finished talking and I turned to Bondita's side, she was gone.

Where is she? I wondered, feeling a pang of disappointment. Just then, I noticed her leaving with Naina. I sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation.

It was the last day of our trip, and I had really hoped to spend some quality time with Bondita today. But, as always, something seemed to come up.

Come on, leave it I told myself, trying to brush off the disappointment. She would come back soon, and then we could make up for the lost time. With that thought, the evening passed. Now, Kabir, Som, and I were sitting by the poolside, our favorite spot for the past three days. We chatted, played random games, and enjoyed the serene atmosphere.

ANIDITA- 𝙏𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now