Portrait and sword

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The room was adorned with portraits of the Emperors who had ruled the Kingdom, but one painting stood out, hung separately from the rest.

Alice walked towards the magnificent portrait of the most handsome man, with the inscription

She stared at the portrait for five minutes, before stating,

Alice: You were well known for impartial justice, weren't you?

Her tone was mocking, yet the sadness in her voice was palpable.

Alice: They say that despite your love for your knight, you still took her life for the Kingdom. Your dream of becoming the great Emperor came true. Look, people still remember you even after it's been 100 years. Your name is marked in history.
Alice continued, as if conversing with the portrait.

This had become a daily routine for Alice - visiting the room and talking to the portrait of the great Emperor Alexandr.

However, today was the day of the tea party, and Alice made sure to arrive late, as was her custom. Entering the gathering fashionably late was her specialty.

As expected, Alice heard a few things about herself in such a gathering. "Look, isn't she the bitchy princess?" one woman whispered. Another woman chimed in, "Oh dear, what a scandalous individual! Rumor has it that she is actually an adopted member of the royal family, and there are whispers suggesting she used her charms to captivate the Emperor and secure her position as a princess."

A man, however, had a different opinion. "Whatever the rumors are, it's rare to see such beauty. She rarely comes to social gatherings," he remarked. Another man added, "I've heard that she indulges in a life filled luxury, and her promiscuity is well-known, often involving herself with attractive young men. She certainly knows how to live life to the fullest."."

The gossips continued, but Alice preferred to ignore them. She walked towards Princess Catherina and Lady Emma, who seemed to be enjoying the insults being hurled at Alice by the crowd. It was going according to their plan.

Alice: I apologize, Sister Catherina. I was unable to arrive on time.

Catherina: Do you believe I am concerned? And please refrain from addressing me as "sister."

Alice: But aren't we sisters? Although you are the daughter of the concubine, I have always regarded you as my sibling. Why don't you...

Alice's words were cut short as the insult was making Catherina lose her pride among the nobles.

Alice walked away with her maid, standing in a corner and holding a plate filled with cakes.

Alice: Only some beverages and cake.. I am craving a glass of strong wine right now.
She complained like a little kid.

Even though rumors said Alice enjoyed her luxurious life, it wasn't entirely false. She never showed interest in jewels and clothes, but in wines and swords.

A man, who had approached her, spoke without knowing that Alice didn't like unnecessary talks. "If you are amenable to the idea, this noble can request that someone procure some delectable, wine for the princess"

Alice scanned the man, knowing his intention of approaching her. "I've heard that the lady prefers the company of attractive men". he said, seeking death.

Alice: Certainly, I appreciate attractive faces. I especially enjoy when those faces are disconnected from the body.

Alice replied, her tone laced with venom.
The man gulped, his eyes fixed on the sword Alice carried, which hung across her waist, making him believe in the truth of her words.

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